
我正在尝试运行下面的代码,从https://github.com/a2800276/8583获取,我把它放在我的 /lib 中,然后尝试调用 BerlinMessage 来测试代码是否工作,然后提示错误。我想知道为什么我将常量统一化。谢谢。


require 'iso8583'

module ISO8583

class BerlinMessage < Message
mti_format N, :length => 4
mti 1100, "Authorization Request Acquirer Gateway"
mti 1110, "Authorization Request Response Issuer Gateway"
mti 1420, "Reversal Advice Acquirer Gateway" 
mti 1421, "Reversal Advice Repeat Acquirer Gateway" 
mti 1430, "Reversal Advice Response Issuer Gateway" 
mti 1804, "Network Management Request Acquirer Gateway or Issuer Gateway"
mti 1814, "Network Management Request Response Issuer Gateway or Acquirer Gateway"

bmp  2, "Primary Account Number (PAN)",               LLVAR_N,   :max    => 19
bmp  3,  "Processing Code",                           N,         :length =>  6
bmp  4,  "Amount (Transaction)",                      N,         :length => 12
bmp  6,  "Amount, Cardholder Billing" ,               N,         :length => 12
bmp  7,  "Date and Time, Transmission"  ,             MMDDhhmmss
bmp 10, "Conversion Rate, Cardholder Billing",        N,         :length =>  8
bmp 11, "System Trace Audit Number (STAN)",           N,         :length =>  6
bmp 12, "Date and Time, Local Transaction",           YYMMDDhhmmss
bmp 14, "Date, Expiration",                           YYMM
bmp 22, "POS Data Code",                              AN,        :length => 12
bmp 23, "Card Sequence Number",                       N,         :length =>  3
bmp 24, "Function Code",                              N,         :length =>  3
bmp 25, "Message Reason Code",                        N,         :length =>  4
bmp 26, "Card Acceptor Business Code",                N,         :length =>  4
bmp 30, "Amounts, Original",                          N,         :length => 24
bmp 32, "Acquiring Institution Identification Code",  LLVAR_N,   :max    => 11
bmp 35, "Track 2 Data",                               LLVAR_Z,   :max    => 37
bmp 37, "Retrieval Reference Number",                 ANP,       :length => 12
bmp 38, "Approval Code",                              ANP,       :length =>  6
bmp 39, "Action Code",                                N,         :length =>  3
bmp 41, "Card Acceptor Terminal Identification",      ANS,       :length =>  8
bmp 42, "Card Acceptor Identification Code",          ANS,       :length => 15
bmp 43, "Card Acceptor Name/Location",                LLVAR_ANS, :max    => 56
bmp 49, "Currency Code, Transaction",                 N,         :length =>  3
bmp 51, "Currency Code, Cardholder Billing",          N,         :length =>  3
bmp 52, "Personal Identification Number (PIN) Data",  B,         :length =>  8
bmp 53, "Security Related Control Information",       LLVAR_B,   :max    => 48
bmp 54, "Amounts, Additional",                        LLLVAR_ANS,:max    => 40

bmp 55, "Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) System Related Data", LLLVAR_B,   :max    => 255
bmp 56, "Original Data Elements",                            LLVAR_N,    :max    => 35
bmp 58, "Authorizing Agent Institution Identification Code", LLVAR_N,    :max    => 11
bmp 59, "Additional Data - Private",                         LLLVAR_ANS, :max    => 67
bmp 64, "Message Authentication Code (MAC) Field",           B,          :length => 8

bmp_alias  2, :pan
bmp_alias  3, :proc_code
bmp_alias  4, :amount
bmp_alias 12, :exp_date


if __FILE__==$0
  mes = ISO8583::BerlinMessage.new
  mes.mti = 1110
  mes[2] = 474747474747
  mes["Processing Code"] = "123456"

  pan = mes["Primary Account Number (PAN)"]
  #mes.pan = 47474747474747

  #puts mes.pan
  puts mes.to_b
  puts mes.to_s
  #mes2 = BerlinMessage.parse input

运行代码后出现此错误, 运行时遇到错误



1 回答 1



# the subtyped message should be told how the MTI is encoded:
#    class MyMessage < Message
#       mti_format N, :length => 4
#       (...)
#    end
# `N` above is an instance of Field which encodes numbers into their
# ASCII representations in  a fixed length field. The option `length=>4`
# indicates the length of the fixed field.

因此,您需要将 替换N为您的字段实现的类名。就目前而言,ruby 将您的文字解释N为当前类中常量的名称,并尝试将其解析为一个值。由于这不起作用,您会收到收到的错误。

于 2014-08-26T07:07:32.417 回答