我正在尝试在名为 Stencyl 的程序中用 Haxe 编写代码。我试图从 Web 服务器返回 XML 响应中获取所有日期,并为它们分配变量。我已经获得了基本的 XML 响应,并且能够使用快速 XML 调用,但不知道如何将所有数据定义为要在程序中使用的变量。标签的数量可能会因调用而异。这是我到目前为止但不知道如何将整个文档解析为变量的内容。下面也是示例 XML 数据。任何帮助都是极好的!

// parse some xml data
var xml = Xml.parse(_vMixData).firstElement();

// wrap the xml for fast access
var fast = new haxe.xml.Fast(xml.firstElement());

// access the "inputs" child, which is wrapped with haxe.xml.Fast too
var inputs = fast.node.inputs;

一些示例 XML 代码

<input key="7715f2db-bdfd-4a7b-ab50-206dd26411cf" number="1" type="Video" title="Dord..mp4" state="Paused" position="0" duration="776214" loop="False" muted="False" volume="100" solo="False" audiobusses="M">Dord..mp4</input><input key="e5362e83-84e3-4b12-84c0-c18dad12570d" number="2" type="Blank" title="Blank" state="Paused" position="0" duration="0" loop="False">Blank</input>
<overlay number="1">Input.mp4</overlay>
<overlay number="2" />
<overlay number="3" />
<overlay number="4" />
<overlay number="5" />
<overlay number="6" />
<transition number="1" effect="Zoom" duration="500" />
<transition number="2" effect="Wipe" duration="500" />
<transition number="3" effect="Fly" duration="500" />
<transition number="4" effect="Zoom" duration="1000" />
<master volume="100" muted="False" headphonesVolume="100" />

这是完整的代码,它现在不打印 vMixData 在我更改它之前的位置。

    public var _Prog1:Actor;
    public var _vMixData:String;
    public var _inputvar:String;
    public function new(dummy:Int, engine:Engine)
        nameMap.set("Prog 1", "_Prog1");
        nameMap.set("vMixData", "_vMixData");
        _vMixData = "";
        nameMap.set("inputvar", "_inputvar");
        _inputvar = "";
    override public function init()
        /* ======================= Every N seconds ======================== */
        runPeriodically(1000 * 1, function(timeTask:TimedTask):Void

            if (wrapper.enabled)
                visitURL("", function(event:Event):Void
                    _vMixData = cast(event.target, URLLoader).data;
                    propertyChanged("_vMixData", _vMixData);
                var xml = Xml.parse(_vMixData);
// wrap the xml for fast access
                var fast = new haxe.xml.Fast(xml.firstElement());
// access the "inputs" child, which is wrapped with haxe.xml.Fast too
                var input = fast.node.input;

                for (input in fast.node.input)
                    //Checking for and accessing attributes.
                    if (input.has.key)
                        trace("Input key : " + input.att.key);

                    //Accessing contents of a node
                    trace("Contents of input node : " + input.innerHTML);

                trace("" + _vMixData);
        }, null);
    override public function forwardMessage(msg:String)

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for (input in fast.nodes.input) {
    //Checking for and accessing attributes.
    if (input.has.key)
        trace("Input key : " + input.att.key);
    //Accessing contents of a node
    trace("Contents of input node : " + input.innerHTML);


var input = fast.node.input;


var xml = Xml.parse(_vMixData);

// wrap the xml for fast access
var data = new haxe.xml.Fast(xml.firstElement());

//Getting the data from inputs (here we are getting the xml node 'inputs', which contain two 'input' nodes, as per your sample xml file.
var inputs = data.node.inputs;

//Here we are creating an array which will store your input objects - you can access each one through the array access operator: ipts[0], ipts[1], etc. Each number will access one of the 'ipt' objects you will create below (you will receive an error if you try to access an index greater than the array length - 1)
var ipts = new Array<Input>();

//Looping through child nodes of inputs (notice i wrote 'nodes', not 'node')
for (input in inputs.nodes.input) {

    //In each iteration the object 'input' will contain data from one of the child nodes
    //Create a new Input object - this would be a custom class created by you.
    var ipt = new Input();

    //For example, this will let you access the state attribute
    if (input.has.state) { //here we check if the attribute actually exists before trying to get its data
        //Assign values from data to your recently created custom object
        ipt.state = input.att.state;

    //You can access any of the attributes in this way
    if (input.has.volume)
        ipt.volume = Std.parseInt(input.att.volume); //All XML data will come as strings, so we must parse numbers before using them

    //Accessing data from the node
    ipt.value = input.innerHTML;

    //Finally, store your 'ipt' object inside an array to be able to access the data later. The command push will insert the new input at the last index of the array.

//In the same way we did for the 'inputs' node we can parse the 'transitions'
var transitions = null;
if (data.hasNode.transitions)  //Checking if the node actually exists
    transitions = data.node.transitions;

//Note that the object name could be any one - it does not have to be same name as the actual XML node

var trans = new Array<Transition>(); //Remember, 'Transition' here means a custom object which you can create to store data from the XML. It does not necessarily has to have this specific name.

for (tData in transitions.nodes.transition) {
    var trn = new Transition();
    trn.effect = tData.att.effect;
    trn.duration = Std.parseInt(tData.att.duration);

//Finally, you can access individual nodes by simple referencing them directly (without loops or accessing a set of nodes
var version:String = data.node.version.innerHTML;
var fadeToBlack:Bool = data.node.fadeToBlack.innerHTML == "True" ? true : false;

对于长 XML 文件(例如您发布的文件),创建一个自定义对象更有意义,该对象将从节点和属性接收值,这将使您的代码更有条理。我使用这些本地变量只是为了更好地说明基本用法。希望这可以帮助您更好地理解sintax。

为了说明自定义对象的创建,下面是 Input 类的样子(这是最基本的):

class Input

    public var state:String;
    public var volume:Int;
    public var value:String;

    //And so on, listing all the fields from the XML attributes and values.

    public function new() { }

有关一般 Haxe 语言的更多信息,我建议您查阅手册:


旧的 Haxe 网站也有这个快速使用参考:

使用 haxe.xml.Fast


  • 蒂亚戈·灵·亚历山大
于 2014-08-25T20:45:53.920 回答