我正在尝试将此处描述的函数应用于一组时间序列。为此,mapply 似乎是一个好方法,但我想在定义函数或使用 mapply 时存在一些问题。
# define the function to apply
ccffunction <- function(x, y, plot = FALSE){
ts1 = get(x)
ts2 = get(y)
d <- ccf(ts1, ts2,lag.max = 24, plot = plot)
cor = d$acf[,,1]
lag = d$lag[,,1]
dd <- data.frame(lag = lag, ccf = cor)
return(t(dd)) # if I dont take transpose, not getting a df but info on the contents.
# It seems that mapply is adding the results from two series vertically ;
# and main part may be to define correct format of object returned
# List of time series simulated for testing results
rm(list = ls())
ts1 = arima.sim(model = list(ar=c(0.2, 0.4)), n = 10)
ts2 = arima.sim(model = list(ar=c(0.1, 0.2)), n = 10)
ts3 = arima.sim(model = list(ar=c(0.1, 0.8)), n = 10)
assign("series1", ts1)
assign("series2" , ts2)
assign("series3" , ts3)
tslist <- list(series1 = ts1, series2 = ts2, series3 = ts3)
# convert to mts object if it makes any difference
tsmts <- do.call(cbind, tslist)
# create pairs of time series using combn function
tspairs <- combn(names(tslist), 2)
tspairs2 <- combn(colnames(tsmts), 2)
try1 <- mapply(ccffunction, tspairs[1, ], tspairs[2, ])
try2 <- mapply(function(x, y){ccf(x, y)}, tspairs2[1, ], tspairs2[2,])
当时间序列对创建为 combn(tslist, 2) 并使用 plyr::mlply 输入时间序列作为参数时,我希望 try2 直接工作,但这种方法不起作用或使用不正确。
有没有办法使用这种方法或任何替代方法找到一组时间序列的 CCF 矩阵?