这是我尝试 Yeoman 的测试时间。我按照非常简单的步骤安装和设置我的 webappyo webapp
确实安装了带有凉亭的第 3 方 JS 库(skrollr)。
除此之外,它的纯 html/js/scss 编辑。
但是当我运行时grunt --force
Running "modernizr:dist" (modernizr) task
Enabled Extras
>> shiv
>> load
>> cssclasses
Looking for Modernizr references
in dist/styles/main.css
>> svg
Downloading source files
cache modernizr-latest.js
cache modernizr.load.1.5.4.js
>> Generating a custom Modernizr build
>> Uglifying
Fatal error: Unexpected character ''
如果您想知道为什么我使用 --force 是因为这些微不足道的错误:
line 4 col 3 Expected 'var' to have an indentation at 5 instead at 3.
line 5 col 3 Expected 'var' to have an indentation at 5 instead at 3.
line 7 col 3 Expected '$' to have an indentation at 5 instead at 3.
line 9 col 3 Expected 'var' to have an indentation at 5 instead at 3.
line 10 col 7 Expected 'render' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 7.
line 13 col 7 Expected '}' to have an indentation at 9 instead at 7.
line 14 col 3 Expected '}' to have an indentation at 5 instead at 3.
line 9 col 11 'skrollr' is not defined.
line 4 col 15 'winWidth' is defined but never used.
line 9 col 8 's' is defined but never used.
line 10 col 28 'data' is defined but never used.
✖ 11 problems
刚试了一个新鲜的,yo webapp