I have a Rectangle which I can touch with this command below.
if ((mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed )&&
// Action;
But is there a Command like "Not Contains", so I wanna do something else if the user touch out of the "TextureRectangle" area?
When I click to the Rectangle that both actions starts. I really dont know where the problem is.
if (mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed){
if(TextureRectangle.Contains((int)MousePos.X, (int)MousePos.Y)) {
my problem is that music1 and music2 plays at same time if i click on the Rectangle, i want that when i click on the Rectangle that music1 plays only (here is the problem , both starts to play)and when i click out of the Rectangle should start only music2 to play ( this case is ok)