I am working with 2D floating-point numpy arrays and saving them as .png files with high precision (see this question for how I came to this point). To do this I use the freeimage plugin, as in that linked question.

This creates a weird behaviour where the images are flipped (both left-right and up-down) if saved to 16-bit. This behaviour happens only for RGB or RGBA images, not for greyscale images. Here is some example code:

from skimage import io, img_as_uint, img_as_ubyte
im = np.random.uniform(size=(256, 256))
im[:128, :128] = 1
im = img_as_ubyte(im)
io.imsave('test_1.png', im)

creates the following picture:

8 bit greyscale

when I try to save this in 16 bit, I get the same result (albeit taking 99kb instead of 50, so I know the bitdepth is working).

Now do the same as an RGB image:

im = np.random.uniform(size=(256, 256, 3))
im[:128, :128] = 1
im = img_as_ubyte(im)
io.imsave('test_1.png', im)

The 8-bit result is:

8 bit rgb

but doing the following

im = img_as_uint(im)
io.imsave('test_1.png', im)

gives me

16 bit rgb

This happens if the array contains an alpha level too.

It can be fixed by including

im = np.fliplr(np.flipud(im))

before saving. However, it seems to me this is pretty weird behaviour and not very desirable. Any idea why this is happening or whether it is intended? As far as I could see it's not documented.


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