
例如: 7.49908302 将舍入为 7.5 而不是 7.50。

我怎样才能用这个子程序保持百分之一?我应该尝试一些 Perl 或 Objective C,因为有人告诉我 Applescript 不是这种事情的最佳选择。


set finalAge514years to (roundThis(age514years, 2))


on roundThis(n, numDecimals)
    set x to 10 ^ numDecimals
    (((n * x) + 0.5) div 1) / x
end roundThis

3 回答 3


数字7.57.50完全相同,因此 Applescript 在显示数字时会截断任何不必要的信息。您真正要寻找的是如何在显示该信息时对其进行格式化。为此,您需要将数字转换为字符串,指定在转换过程中要查看的小数位数。


round_truncate(7.49908302, 2)
--> "7.50"

on round_truncate(this_number, decimal_places)
    if decimal_places is 0 then
        set this_number to this_number + 0.5
        return number_to_text(this_number div 1)
    end if

    set the rounding_value to "5"
    repeat decimal_places times
        set the rounding_value to "0" & the rounding_value
    end repeat
    set the rounding_value to ("." & the rounding_value) as number

    set this_number to this_number + rounding_value

    set the mod_value to "1"
    repeat decimal_places - 1 times
        set the mod_value to "0" & the mod_value
    end repeat
    set the mod_value to ("." & the mod_value) as number

    set second_part to (this_number mod 1) div the mod_value
    if the length of (the second_part as text) is less than the decimal_places then
        repeat decimal_places - (the length of (the second_part as text)) times
            set second_part to ("0" & second_part) as string
        end repeat
    end if

    set first_part to this_number div 1
    set first_part to number_to_string(first_part)
    set this_number to (first_part & "." & second_part)

    return this_number
end round_truncate

on number_to_string(this_number)
    set this_number to this_number as string
    if this_number contains "E+" then
        set x to the offset of "." in this_number
        set y to the offset of "+" in this_number
        set z to the offset of "E" in this_number
        set the decimal_adjust to characters (y - (length of this_number)) thru ¬
            -1 of this_number as string as number
        if x is not 0 then
            set the first_part to characters 1 thru (x - 1) of this_number as string
            set the first_part to ""
        end if
        set the second_part to characters (x + 1) thru (z - 1) of this_number as string
        set the converted_number to the first_part
        repeat with i from 1 to the decimal_adjust
                set the converted_number to ¬
                    the converted_number & character i of the second_part
            on error
                set the converted_number to the converted_number & "0"
            end try
        end repeat
        return the converted_number
        return this_number
    end if
end number_to_string
于 2014-08-06T15:44:55.333 回答

您特别要求使用 Perl 或 Objective-C 替代 Applescript。

因此,这是一个 Perl 解决方案:

use strict;
use warnings;

print round_this(7.49908302, 2), "\n";

sub round_this {
  my ($n, $decimals) = @_;
  sprintf '%.*f', $decimals, $n;


于 2014-08-06T15:07:13.663 回答

好吧,AppleScript 为您做了很多事情。因为通常 1.5 与布尔表达式中的 0.75 * 2 不同(或至少不稳定)。为了方便您进行真正的比较,1.50(0.75 * 2 的结果)将被强制转换为 1.5。要使其在 AppleScript 中工作,您需要实数的字符串表示形式。无论将一个实数强制转换为字符串,AppleScript 都会考虑系统的本地化。因此,机器之间的小数点和千位分隔符可能会有所不同,具体取决于其系统偏好。在将实数强制为整数时,AppleScript 会进行舍入。所以这样的事情可以为你工作:

set n to 7.49958302
set i to round n rounding toward zero
set f to (n - i) * 100 as integer
set f to text 1 thru 2 of (f & "00" as string)
set r to (i as string) & "." & f

当您需要将此字符串重新恢复为真实时,您可以轻松地使用运行脚本命令。运行脚本命令就像一个 eval。在 AppleScript 代码中,实数没有本地化。

run script "7.50"
于 2014-08-06T21:13:30.100 回答