I have the following Z3 problem. When the code here is executed, how shall we expect, or how is it defined, that the conflicting optimisation goals will perform?
(declare-const x Bool)
(declare-const y Bool)
(declare-const z Bool)
(ite (= y false) 1 0)
(ite (= z false) 1 0)
(ite (= x true) 1 0)
(ite (= y true) 1 0)
(ite (= z true) 1 0)
Currently, these are the results:
(+ (ite (= y false) 1 0) (ite (= z false) 1 0)) |-> 2
(+ (ite (= x true) 1 0) (ite (= y true) 1 0) (ite (= z true) 1 0)) |-> 1
(define-fun y () Bool
(define-fun z () Bool
(define-fun x () Bool