
就我而言,使用 gnome-terminal。


5 回答 5


为此有一个xterm 控制序列


(\e\a分别是 ESC 和 BEL 字符。)

Xterm 兼容的终端应以相同的顺序回复,问号替换为X11 颜色名称,例如rgb:0000/0000/0000黑色。

于 2011-10-14T12:53:31.950 回答


# Query a property from the terminal, e.g. background color.
# XTerm Operating System Commands
#     "ESC ] Ps;Pt ST"

oldstty=$(stty -g)

# What to query?
# 11: text background

stty raw -echo min 0 time 0
# stty raw -echo min 0 time 1
printf "\033]$Ps;?\033\\"
# xterm needs the sleep (or "time 1", but that is 1/10th second).
sleep 0.00000001
read -r answer
# echo $answer | cat -A
stty $oldstty
# Remove escape at the end.
echo $result | sed 's/[^rgb:0-9a-f/]\+$//'

来源/回购/要点:https ://gist.github.com/blueyed/c8470c2aad3381c33ea3

于 2015-05-30T00:24:30.577 回答


例如来自Neovim 问题 2764的一些相关片段:

 * Return "dark" or "light" depending on the kind of terminal.
 * This is just guessing!  Recognized are:
 * "linux"         Linux console
 * "screen.linux"   Linux console with screen
 * "cygwin"        Cygwin shell
 * "putty"         Putty program
 * We also check the COLORFGBG environment variable, which is set by
 * rxvt and derivatives. This variable contains either two or three
 * values separated by semicolons; we want the last value in either
 * case. If this value is 0-6 or 8, our background is dark.
static char_u *term_bg_default(void)
  char_u      *p;

  if (STRCMP(T_NAME, "linux") == 0
      || STRCMP(T_NAME, "screen.linux") == 0
      || STRCMP(T_NAME, "cygwin") == 0
      || STRCMP(T_NAME, "putty") == 0
      || ((p = (char_u *)os_getenv("COLORFGBG")) != NULL
          && (p = vim_strrchr(p, ';')) != NULL
          && ((p[1] >= '0' && p[1] <= '6') || p[1] == '8')
          && p[2] == NUL))
    return (char_u *)"dark";
  return (char_u *)"light";

关于COLORFGBGenv,来自Gnome BugZilla 733423

在我刚刚在 linux 上尝试过的很多终端中,只有 urxvt 和 konsole 设置了它(那些没有设置的终端:xterm、st、terminology、pterm)。Konsole 和 Urxvt 使用不同的语法和语义,即对我来说 konsole 将其设置为“0;15”(即使我使用“浅黄色上的黑色”配色方案 - 那么为什么不使用“默认”而不是“15”呢?),而我的 urxvt 将其设置为“0;默认值;15”(它实际上是白底黑字 - 但为什么要三个字段?)。因此,这两个值都不符合您的规范。


def is_dark_terminal_background():
    :return: Whether we have a dark Terminal background color, or None if unknown.
        We currently just check the env var COLORFGBG,
        which some terminals define like "<foreground-color>:<background-color>",
        and if <background-color> in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8}, then we have some dark background.
        There are many other complex heuristics we could do here, which work in some cases but not in others.
        See e.g. `here <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2507337/terminals-background-color>`__.
        But instead of adding more heuristics, we think that explicitly setting COLORFGBG would be the best thing,
        in case it's not like you want it.
    :rtype: bool|None
    if os.environ.get("COLORFGBG", None):
        parts = os.environ["COLORFGBG"].split(";")
            last_number = int(parts[-1])
            if 0 <= last_number <= 6 or last_number == 8:
                return True
                return False
        except ValueError:  # not an integer?
    return None  # unknown (and bool(None) == False, i.e. expect light by default)
于 2019-02-12T14:30:54.800 回答

除了显然 rxvt-only $COLORFGBG 之外,我不知道甚至存在其他任何东西。大多数人似乎指的是vim 是如何做到的,即使这充其量只是一个有根据的猜测。

于 2011-10-13T20:26:15.873 回答


如果是后者,您可以查询终端的 PS1 环境变量以获取颜色。

这里有一篇关于设置(以及派生)终端颜色的文章:http: //www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-tip-prompt/

于 2010-03-24T12:07:35.140 回答