我一直在开发一个用户窗体,它使用由 A 列填充的列表框来删除基于列表框选择的特定行。但是当我单击“应用”按钮时,它需要很长时间才能处理并删除行。
Apply 按钮的代码如下,UserForm 中几乎没有其他代码。只是我。隐藏在取消按钮中。
Private Sub CommandApply_Click()
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim col As New Collection
Dim itm As Variant
Dim rng As Range
' First, collect the row numbers corresponding to the selected items
' We work from last to first
n = Me.ListBox1.ListCount
For i = n - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Me.ListBox1.Selected(i) Then
col.Add i + 1
End If
Next i
' Then delete the rows
Set rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A100")
For Each itm In col
Next itm
blnCancel = False
End Sub