我目前正在尝试使用 TestNG 编写一些自动化测试,它将验证用户在网站上的一些操作,因此这些测试是端到端的功能测试,而不是单元测试。

我创建了一个 XML 文件来保存测试数据(这个 XML 文件的结构不会改变)。测试脚本将从测试文件中读取信息并将其传递给 DataProvider,然后提供 @Tests。问题是 - 数据提供者似乎正在用每个测试数据实例抽取每个 @Test 方法,并且它没有按顺序运行测试。

我附上了代码 - 如果我的方法是正确的,或者需要在代码中调整什么以使每组测试数据都可以运行,请有人提出建议。



数据提供者读取此测试数据并将其传递给 Object[][]


public class PlaceOrderTestScript {
InitiateTesting x;
static TestDataProvider y;
static WebDriver driver;
boolean loggedin = false;

public void beforeMethod(String browser) throws Exception {
    x = new InitiateTesting();  
    y = new TestDataProvider(); 
    driver = x.launch(browser);  //select driver, browser and launch website

public static Object[][] dp(ITestContext context) throws Exception {        
    String testdatalocation = context.getCurrentXmlTest().getParameter("placeordertestdata"); //suite.xml holds details of the test data file location
    Object[][] data = y.Provider(testdatalocation);
    return data;

@Test (dataProvider = "dp")
public void SignIn(String username, String password, String product, String ordertype, String quantity, String side) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Log into site");
    // only run this test once
    if (loggedin == false) {
        Thread.sleep(5000); //pause for x seconds and let site load for the first time
        loggedin = true;

@Test (dependsOnMethods={"SignIn"}, dataProvider = "dp")
public void SearchForProduct(String username, String password, String product, String ordertype, String quantity, String side) {
    // search for <product>

@Test (dependsOnMethods={"Search"}, dataProvider = "dp")
public void PlaceOrder(String username, String password, String product, String ordertype, String quantity, String side) {
    //Place order

@Test (dependsOnMethods={"PlaceOrder"}, dataProvider = "dp")
public void ValidateQuantityAmount(String username, String password, String product, String ordertype, String quantity, String side) {
    //check results <quantity>

@Test (dependsOnMethods={"PlaceOrder"}, dataProvider = "dp")
public void ValidateSide(String username, String password, String product, String ordertype, String quantity, String side) {
    //check results <side>

@Test (dependsOnMethods={"PlaceOrder"}, dataProvider = "dp")
public void ValidateTotal(String username, String password, String product, String ordertype, String quantity, String side) {
    //check results - some calcs here

public void CancelOrder() throws Exception {
    //Cancel the Order 


问题是当我运行它时 - TestNG 正在将每个数据中的所有数据传递给每个 @Test 方法。我需要它通过方法序列传递每个实例..所以; , SignIn, SearchForProduct, PlaceOrder, ValidateQuantityAmount, ValidateSide, ValidateTotal, CancelOrder 然后对下一个实例重复这个

我的方法错了吗?我知道每个测试都需要独立 - 但是在运行端到端测试时怎么可能呢?




1 回答 1



<suite name="Johnny's Tests">
  <test name="pass1">
    <parameter name="username" value="letmein"/>
    <class name="PlaceOrderTestScript">
        <include name="*"/>
  <test name="pass2">
  ,,, repeat for each test


于 2014-07-29T16:20:24.140 回答