I follow http://opendj.forgerock.org/opendj-server/doc/admin-guide/index/chap-schema.html to add a custom attribute to perosn class in opendj

1)create packt-services-user-blog attribute 2)create packt-services-user-class class, and add packt-services-user-blog attribute 3)create custom-attr.ldif dn: uid=user.0, ou=People,dc=example, dc=com changetype: modify add: objectClass objectClass: person

add: packt-services-user-blog packt-services-user-blog: Testing 1,2,3 .... 4) ./ldapmodify \ --port 389 \ --hostname www.openam.example.com \ --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \ --bindPassword opendj \ --filename custom-attr.ldif

But I get an error as follows: Result:20 Message: can not modify entity uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com,Cause there are more than one reduplicated value in attribute objectClass : person

I guess this error results from I don't add attribute packt-services-user-blog to person successfully

So How can I fix this problem?


1 回答 1


我认为错误信息非常明确:不要添加 ObjectClass:Person,因为它会创建重复值。

您需要添加您的自定义 objectClass:Packt-Services-User-Class 及其属性。

packt-services-user-class 需要定义为 Auxiliary ,然后可以添加到任何条目中。



于 2014-07-29T06:12:02.827 回答