I have added custom fields to Woocommerce's checkout page.

I'm looking to take data from the custom field and place it on Wootheme's certificate plugin.

Here is an existing segment of code for woo theme's Certificate plugin. I know the answer lay in replacing the value of $certificate_heading to change what data it is drawing.

$certificate_heading = __( 'Certificate of Completion', 'sensei-certificates' ); // Certificate of Completion
    if ( isset( $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_heading']['text'] ) && '' != $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_heading']['text'] ) {

        $certificate_heading = $this->certificate_template_fields['certificate_heading']['text'];
        $certificate_heading = str_replace( array( '{{learner}}', '{{course_title}}', '{{completion_date}}', '{{course_place}}'  ), array( $student_name, $course->post_title, date( 'jS F Y', strtotime( $course_end_date ) ), get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) , $certificate_heading );
    } // End If Statement

Here is a line of code that shows how the admin panel of Woocommerce pulls and displays one of the custom fields that I created on the checkout page:

echo '<p><strong>'.__('Student Drivers License').':</strong> ' . get_post_meta( $order->id, 'Student Drivers License', true ) . '</p>';

1 回答 1



 get_post_meta($wpo_wcpdf->export->order->id,'Your field name',true);


于 2015-01-12T19:17:47.023 回答