I used the Neo4j API to batch insert a few million records, which normally would take much longer if done individually. The import finished considerably faster but I do not see the millions of records I inserted. Does Neo4j keep some form of queue for the batch insertions and insert it over time?
If so, how can I see the progress of this queue? I am doing a count and I notice the records are increasing, but at a very slow pace.
I am using the Neography gem's batch insertion (https://github.com/maxdemarzi/neography/wiki/Batch) and the code that does the batch insert is below:
User.find_in_batches(batch_size: 500) do |group|
$neo4j.batch(*group.map { |user| ["create_unique_node", "users", "id", user.id, user.graph_node_properties] })
Running Neo4j 2.1.2 enterprise edition on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.