我正在尝试从boost::odeint修改 lorenz_parameters.cu 示例,以解决许多初始条件的初始值问题。程序段错误,我相信这是由于我错误地将指针传递给 的调用造成的integrate_adaptive()
,因为当我尝试打印出用于存储导数的向量的大小时,它是 0。
我在下面附上了该程序的完整源代码。有一条标记为 的线UNEXPECTED OUTPUT!
,我尝试在其中打印导数向量的大小,它出现为 0,它应该与状态向量 (512) 的大小相同。还有一行标记为LINE I DO NOT UNDERSTAND
,这是我认为我可能做错了什么的地方。这一行是对 intergrate_adaptive() 调用的一部分,我认为这个参数是(最终/通过 odeint 包)传递给operator()
. parallel_initial_condition_problem
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <typeinfo>
typedef double value_type;
//change this to device_vector< ... > of you want to run on GPU
typedef thrust::host_vector< value_type > state_type;
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::numeric::odeint;
const size_t D = 16; // how many values of each initial condition to try
const size_t N_ICS = D * D; // number of initial conditions
const size_t N_VARS = 2; // number of variables in the system
// time constants
const value_type t_0 = 0.0;
const value_type t_final = 0.1;
const value_type dt = 0.01;
struct parallel_initial_condition_problem {
struct functor
template< class T >
__host__ __device__
void operator()( T t ) const
const value_type k_b = 0.45/6.0;
const value_type k_f = 1.0;
const value_type k_d = 1.0;
// unpack the variables (and the parameters we want to vary, if any)
value_type f = thrust::get< 0 >( t );
value_type a = thrust::get< 1 >( t );
// value_type df = thrust::get< 2 >( t ); // this also causes a segfault
// value_type da = thrust::get< 3 >( t );
// calculate the derivative
thrust::get< 2 >( t ) = -0.01; // minimal value for debugging
thrust::get< 3 >( t ) = -0.01;
parallel_initial_condition_problem( size_t N )
: m_N( N ) { }
template< class State , class Deriv >
void operator()(const State &x , Deriv &dxdt , value_type t ) const
//// Printing out debugging info (here is the error..but why?)
cout << "INSIDE operator()" << endl;
cout << "t: " << t << endl;
cout << "size of x: \t" << boost::end(x) - boost::begin(x) << endl;
cout << "size of dxdt: \t" << boost::end(dxdt) - boost::begin(dxdt) << endl; // UNEXPECTED OUTPUT!!
cout << endl;
boost::begin( x ) + 0*m_N,
boost::begin( x ) + 1*m_N ,
boost::begin( dxdt ) + 0*m_N,
boost::begin( dxdt ) + 1*m_N
) ,
boost::begin( x ) + 1*m_N,
boost::begin( x ) + 2*m_N ,
boost::begin( dxdt ) + 3*m_N,
boost::begin( dxdt ) + 4*m_N
) ,
functor() );
size_t m_N;
int main(int /* argc */ , char** /* argv */ ) {
// x stores both (initial) state (x) [0:N_VARS*N_ICS] and dxdt [N_VARS*N_ICS:END]
state_type x( 2 * N_VARS * N_ICS );
// fill each value with its index
for(int i=0;i<x.size();i++) {
x[i] = 0.01+i;
// system function
parallel_initial_condition_problem init_con_solver( N_ICS );
//////////////////////////////// Debugging info: (all seems correct here)
cout << "POINTERS" << endl;
cout << "size of x: " << boost::end(x) - boost::begin(x) << endl;
cout << "x :" << &(*x.begin()) << endl;
cout << "dxdt :" << &(*x.begin()) + N_VARS*N_ICS << endl;
cout << "end :" << &(*x.end()) << endl;
cout << endl;
/////////////////////////// STATE_T VALUE_T DERIV_T TIME_T
typedef runge_kutta_dopri5< state_type , value_type , state_type , value_type > stepper_type;
const value_type abs_err = 1.0e-6;
const value_type rel_err = 1.0e-6;
integrate_adaptive( make_controlled( abs_err , rel_err , stepper_type() ),
init_con_solver ,
std::make_pair( x.begin() , x.begin() + N_VARS*N_ICS ), /// LINE I DO NOT UNDERSTAND
t_0, t_final, dt );
$ g++ main.c && ./a.out
size of x: 1024
x :0x9a2010
dxdt :0x9a3010
end :0x9a4010
INSIDE operator()
t: 0
size of x: 512
size of dxdt: 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)