
while (true) { // loops forever until break
    try { // checks code for exceptions
        System.out.println("How many racers should" + " participate in the race?");
        amountRacers = in.nextInt();
        break; // if no exceptions breaks out of loop
    catch (InputMismatchException e) { // if an exception appears prints message below
        System.err.println("Please enter a number! " + e.getMessage());
        continue; // continues to loop if exception is found

如果在amoutnRacers = in.nextInt();代码中输入了一个数字,就会跳出循环,程序的其余部分运行良好;但是,当我输入诸如“awredsf”之类的内容时,它应该捕获该异常,它确实如此。它没有再次提示用户,而是连续循环,这对我来说没有意义。


应该有多少赛车手参加比赛?应该有多少赛车手参加比赛?应该有多少赛车手参加比赛?应该有多少赛车手参加比赛?应该有多少赛车手参加比赛?应该有多少赛车手参加比赛?应该有多少赛车手参加比赛?请输入一个数字!null 请输入一个数字!null 请输入一个数字!null 请输入一个数字!null 请输入一个数字!null 请输入一个数字!null 请输入一个数字!空值 ...

我不明白发生了什么,amountRacers = in.nextInt();为什么用户无法输入数字?


4 回答 4


只需在 input.next()捕获 InputMismatchException 后添加。

catch (InputMismatchException e) { //if an exception appears prints message below
    System.err.println("Please enter a number! " + e.getMessage());
    input.next(); // clear scanner wrong input
    continue; // continues to loop if exception is found


于 2014-07-21T02:53:54.790 回答

今天我解决了这个问题:-) 这是我的代码。我认为我有帮助

public int choice () throws Exception{
    Scanner read = new Scanner(System.in));
    System.out.println("Choose the option from the upper list");
    int auxiliaryChoiceMenu = 5;
    int auxiliaryVariable = -1;
    boolean auxiliaryBoolean = false;
    while (!auxiliaryBoolean) {
        try {
            auxiliaryVariable = read.nextInt();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("incorrect data, try again"+e);

        if (auxiliaryVariable<0 || auxiliaryVariable>auxiliaryChoiceMenu){
            System.out.println("incorrect data, try again");
        } else {
            auxiliaryBoolean = true;
        choiceMenu = auxiliaryVariable;

        return choiceMenu;
        //choicemenu is a external variable
于 2016-03-17T21:07:16.410 回答

您可能需要创建一个 Scanner 类来获取从键盘流式传输的标准输入。您应该在代码中的某处创建一个 Scanner 类的实例,例如:Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 因此您的语句中的“ in ”变量:amountRacers = in.nextInt(); 等待并扫描从键盘输入的输入并将其存储。

于 2014-07-21T03:00:04.780 回答

为什么要使用带有 try 和 catch 的循环?

我的建议是始终使用 try 和 catch 和while 或 do while loop,这样您就可以要求用户重复他/她的输入。它还取决于您已经使用的循环和/或代码的结构。

例如,如果您已经有一个 do while 循环,那么我建议您简单地调整/修改您现有的循环。



示例 1

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int exampleInput = 0;
do {
    try {
        System.out.print("\nEnter an integer from 1 to 25: ");
        exampleInput = input.nextInt();
    catch (InputMismatchException e) { //if an exception appears prints message below
        System.err.println("Wrong input! Enter an integer from 1 to 25");
        input.next(); // Clear scanner buffer of wrong input
} while (exampleInput < 1 || exampleInput > 25);
System.out.println("Print exampleInput: " + exampleInput);

示例 2

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int exampleInput; // Here you don't need to initialize this variable because you don't need it as a condition for the loop.
boolean isDone = false;
do {
    try {
        System.out.print("\nEnter an integer: ");
        exampleInput = input.nextInt();
        isDone = true;
    catch (InputMismatchException e) { //if an exception appears prints message below
        System.err.println("Wrong input! Enter an integer");
        input.next(); // Clear scanner buffer of wrong input
} while (!isDone);
System.out.println("Print exampleInput: " + exampleInput);

示例 3

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int exampleInput; // Here you don't need to initialize this variable because you don't need it as a condition for the loop.
boolean isDoneLoop2 = false;
while (!isDoneLoop2) {
    try {
        System.out.print("\nEnter an integer: ");
        exampleInput = input.nextInt();
        isDoneLoop2 = true;
    catch (InputMismatchException e) { //if an exception appears prints message below
        System.err.println("Wrong input! Enter an integer");
        input.next(); // Clear scanner buffer of wrong input
System.out.println("Print exampleInput: " + exampleInput);
于 2021-10-27T20:17:53.963 回答