我在开发者模式下使用 Chromebook HP 11。我在上面安装了 Ubuntu v12.04 Unity 和 Crouton。

在 Ubuntu 上,我安装了 Nodejs (v0.6.12)、npm (v1.1.4) 和 build-essential,正如这里所说:https ://c9.io/site/blog/2012/06/cloud9ide-new-features/ 但是我不知道如何安装 Cloud9 Local IDE,我在这里下载:http: //static.c9.io/c9local/prod/c9local-latest.tgz




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you can do this two ways...

  1. if you plan to install it directly to chromeOS you will need to put your machine into developer mode and have writeable rootfs. There's a tutorial here. NOTE- it's my understanding that this option voids a warranty, although perhaps that's true also with option #2 below

  2. The other option is to install Ubuntu with Crouton as it's own OS and then install node/npm.

I opted for the later and have the cloud9 service running locally with Apache and MySql. Ubuntu will share the Downloads folder, so you can set up a folder there to manage all your local virtual hosts, etc.

于 2014-07-21T11:58:28.377 回答