我不知道如何让颜色条显示。我没有太多使用 mayavi 的经验,所以我不确定我需要采取哪些步骤才能解决这个问题?
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
from StringIO import StringIO
import numpy as np
from mayavi import mlab
#getting the data from a txt file
filename = askopenfilename()
fileAsStr =''
data = []
count= 0
with open(filename,'r') as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("Note"):
title = line
title = title.strip("Note:")
title = title.strip()
print title
if atData and not line.startswith('Total'): #after the second one begin reading file
line = line.replace(' ','')
fileAsStr = fileAsStr + line
if line.startswith('-----'):
count = count +1
if count == 2:
atData = True
dataStrIO = StringIO(fileAsStr)
dataArray = np.loadtxt(dataStrIO, delimiter=',')
dataDim = dataArray.shape
dx = dataArray[0:dataDim[0], 3]
dy = dataArray[0:dataDim[0], 4]
dz = dataArray[0:dataDim[0], 5]
bTotal = dataArray[0:dataDim[0],9]
firstNum = dy[0]
count = 0
while firstNum == dy[count]:
count = count + 1
print 'count=' + str(count)
#arranging the arrays into an acceptable format
from itertools import islice
def solve(lis, n):
it = iter(lis)
return [list(islice(it,n)) for _ in xrange(len(lis)/n)]
dx = np.transpose(solve(dx, count))
dy = np.transpose(solve(dy, count))
dz = solve(dz, count)
bTotal = solve(bTotal, count)
bTotal = np.log10(bTotal)
#making the plot
mlab.options.backend = 'envisage'
surf = mlab.surf(dx,dy, bTotal,warp_scale=2)
mlab.axes(surf, x_axis_visibility= True, y_axis_visibility = True,
z_axis_visibility = True, xlabel='x axis (mm)', ylabel='y axis (mm)',
zlabel ='z axis (mm)', nb_labels=10)
mlab.axes.label_text_property.font_size = 5
mlab.title(title, line_width = .5, height = 1)
mlab.colorbar( title = "magnetic field (Tesla)")