您需要将先决条件添加到哨兵文件:w1.sentinel : v1 v2
(或者更好的是,使用原始帖子中的哨兵功能并使用$(call sentinel,w1 w2): v1 v2
,顺便说一句,在 make 函数调用中添加空格时要小心。它会对事物产生非常有害且有些奇怪的影响。
atomic = $(eval $1: $(firstword $1).sentinel ; @:) \
$(firstword $1).sentinel : $2 ; touch $$@ \
$(foreach _,$1,$(if $(wildcard $_),,$(shell rm -f $(firstword $1).sentinel)))
d1 d2 d3 d4:
>-------touch $@
## Test case 1 using sentinel and dependency (u1 u2 : t1 t2) specified in call to atomic
$(call atomic, t1 t2, d1)
>-------touch t1 t2
$(call atomic, u1 u2, t1 t2)
>-------touch u1 u2
## Test case 2 using sentinel and dependency (w1 w2 : v1 v2) specified as another rule does not work
$(call atomic, v1 v2, d2)
>-------touch v1 v2
$(call atomic, w1 w2, )
>-------touch w1 w2
w1 w2 : v1 v2
## Test case 4 using manual dependencies added to sentinel explicitly.
$(call atomic, z1 z2, d4)
>-------touch z1 z2
$(call atomic, a1 a2, )
>-------touch a1 a2
a1.sentinel : z1 z2
clean :
>-------rm -f {d,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,a}{1,2,3,4}{,.sentinel} test{1,2,3,4}
test1 : u1
>-------touch test1
test2 : w1
>-------touch test2
test4: a1
>-------touch test4
输出make -f ../atomic.mk -drR test1
Reading makefiles...
Reading makefile `../atomic.mk'...
Updating makefiles....
Updating goal targets....
Considering target file `test1'.
File `test1' does not exist.
Considering target file `u1'.
File `u1' does not exist.
Considering target file `u1.sentinel'.
File `u1.sentinel' does not exist.
Considering target file `t1'.
File `t1' does not exist.
Considering target file `t1.sentinel'.
File `t1.sentinel' does not exist.
Considering target file `d1'.
File `d1' does not exist.
Finished prerequisites of target file `d1'.
Must remake target `d1'.
touch d1
Successfully remade target file `d1'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `t1.sentinel'.
Must remake target `t1.sentinel'.
touch t1.sentinel
touch t1 t2
Successfully remade target file `t1.sentinel'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `t1'.
Must remake target `t1'.
Successfully remade target file `t1'.
Considering target file `t2'.
Pruning file `t1.sentinel'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `t2'.
Prerequisite `t1.sentinel' is older than target `t2'.
No need to remake target `t2'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `u1.sentinel'.
Must remake target `u1.sentinel'.
touch u1.sentinel
touch u1 u2
Successfully remade target file `u1.sentinel'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `u1'.
Must remake target `u1'.
Successfully remade target file `u1'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `test1'.
Must remake target `test1'.
touch test1
Successfully remade target file `test1'.
输出make -f ../atomic.mk -drR test2
Reading makefiles...
Reading makefile `../atomic.mk'...
Updating makefiles....
Updating goal targets....
Considering target file `test2'.
File `test2' does not exist.
Considering target file `w1'.
File `w1' does not exist.
Considering target file `w1.sentinel'.
File `w1.sentinel' does not exist.
Finished prerequisites of target file `w1.sentinel'.
Must remake target `w1.sentinel'.
touch w1.sentinel
touch w1 w2
Successfully remade target file `w1.sentinel'.
Considering target file `v1'.
File `v1' does not exist.
Considering target file `v1.sentinel'.
File `v1.sentinel' does not exist.
Considering target file `d2'.
File `d2' does not exist.
Finished prerequisites of target file `d2'.
Must remake target `d2'.
touch d2
Successfully remade target file `d2'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `v1.sentinel'.
Must remake target `v1.sentinel'.
touch v1.sentinel
touch v1 v2
Successfully remade target file `v1.sentinel'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `v1'.
Must remake target `v1'.
Successfully remade target file `v1'.
Considering target file `v2'.
Pruning file `v1.sentinel'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `v2'.
Prerequisite `v1.sentinel' is older than target `v2'.
No need to remake target `v2'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `w1'.
Must remake target `w1'.
Successfully remade target file `w1'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `test2'.
Must remake target `test2'.
touch test2
Successfully remade target file `test2'.
输出make -f ../atomic.mk -drR test4
Reading makefiles...
Reading makefile `../atomic.mk'...
Updating makefiles....
Updating goal targets....
Considering target file `test4'.
File `test4' does not exist.
Considering target file `a1'.
File `a1' does not exist.
Considering target file `a1.sentinel'.
File `a1.sentinel' does not exist.
Considering target file `z1'.
File `z1' does not exist.
Considering target file `z1.sentinel'.
File `z1.sentinel' does not exist.
Considering target file `d4'.
File `d4' does not exist.
Finished prerequisites of target file `d4'.
Must remake target `d4'.
touch d4
Successfully remade target file `d4'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `z1.sentinel'.
Must remake target `z1.sentinel'.
touch z1.sentinel
touch z1 z2
Successfully remade target file `z1.sentinel'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `z1'.
Must remake target `z1'.
Successfully remade target file `z1'.
Considering target file `z2'.
Pruning file `z1.sentinel'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `z2'.
Prerequisite `z1.sentinel' is older than target `z2'.
No need to remake target `z2'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `a1.sentinel'.
Must remake target `a1.sentinel'.
touch a1.sentinel
touch a1 a2
Successfully remade target file `a1.sentinel'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `a1'.
Must remake target `a1'.
Successfully remade target file `a1'.
Finished prerequisites of target file `test4'.
Must remake target `test4'.
touch test4
Successfully remade target file `test4'.
请参阅此图以查看相关的先决条件树(手动创建,因为我不知道任何好的工具可以从 make 输出中执行此操作,尽管我已经想要一个一段时间了,如果我有什么问题,请道歉)。