如果我想隐式地将两个对象从一个对象转换为另一个对象,是否可以使用 Iso 宏之类的东西来做到这一点?


implicit def listToMap[A, B](l: List[(A, B)]): Map[A, B] = l.toMap
implicit def mapToList[A, B](m: Map[A, B]): List[(A, B)] = m.toList


implicit def[A, B] listMapIso = Iso[List[(A, B)], Map[A, B]] {_.toMap, _.toList}

注意:如下所述,我计划在我的 Web 框架中使用它,将我的数据库模型转换为中间件/前端模型。


1 回答 1



我们当然可以为参数化类型定义一个等价的 Iso,尽管语法变得有点麻烦:

import scalaz._, Scalaz._
case class BiIso[F[_, _], G[_, _]](left: F ~~> G,
  right: G ~~> F)

type PairList[A, B] = List[(A, B)]
val listToMap = new (PairList ~~> Map) {
  def apply[A, B](l: PairList[A, B]) = l.toMap
val mapToList = new (Map ~~> PairList) {
  def apply[A, B](m: Map[A, B]) = m.toList

val listMapIso = BiIso(listToMap, mapToList)

我们当然可以隐含其中的一部分,尽管这是一个正交的问题。我们可以隐式构建 BiIso:

implicit val listToMap = new (PairList ~~> Map) {
  def apply[A, B](l: PairList[A, B]) = l.toMap
implicit val mapToList = new (Map ~~> PairList) {
  def apply[A, B](m: Map[A, B]) = m.toList

implicit def biIso[F[_, _], G[_, _]](implicit left: F ~~> G, right: G ~~> F) =
  BiIso(left, right)

implicitly[BiIso[PairList, Map]]

我们可以让任何 BiIso 充当隐式转换,尽管我不建议这样做。唯一棘手的部分是正确引导类型推断。这是大部分的方式,但由于某种原因,没有推断出 GAB 参数(非常欢迎进行更正):

sealed trait BiAny[F[_, _]] {}
object BiAny {
  implicit def any[F[_, _]] = new BiAny[F] {}

sealed trait ApplyBiIso[FAB, GAB] {
  type A1
  type B1
  type F[_, _]
  type G[_, _]
  type Required = BiIso[F, G]

  val unapplyL: Unapply2[BiAny, FAB] {
    type A = A1; type B = B1;
    type M[C, D] = F[C, D]
  val unapplyR: Unapply2[BiAny, GAB] {
    type A = A1; type B = B1;
    type M[C, D] = G[C, D]

  def liftBI(bi: Required): Iso[FAB, GAB] =
    Iso({ fab: FAB =>
      val f: F[A1, B1] = Leibniz.witness(unapplyL.leibniz)(fab)
      val g: G[A1, B1] = bi.left(f)
      Leibniz.witness(Leibniz.symm[⊥, ⊤, GAB, G[A1, B1]](unapplyR.leibniz))(g): GAB
      { gab: GAB =>
        val g: G[A1, B1] = Leibniz.witness(unapplyR.leibniz)(gab)
        val f: F[A1, B1] = bi.right(g)
        Leibniz.witness(Leibniz.symm[⊥, ⊤, FAB, F[A1, B1]](unapplyL.leibniz))(f): FAB

object ApplyBiIso {
  implicit def forFG[FAB, A2, B2, GAB, A3, B3](
    implicit u1: Unapply2[BiAny, FAB] { type A = A2; type B = B2 },
    u2: Unapply2[BiAny, GAB] { type A = A3; type B = B3 }) = new ApplyBiIso[FAB, GAB] {
    type A1 = A2
    type B1 = B2
    type F[C, D] = u1.M[C, D]
    type G[C, D] = u2.M[C, D]

    //Should do the conversion properly with Leibniz but I can't be bothered
    val unapplyL = u1.asInstanceOf[Unapply2[BiAny, FAB] {
      type A = A1; type B = B1;
      type M[C, D] = F[C, D]
    val unapplyR = u2.asInstanceOf[Unapply2[BiAny, GAB] {
      type A = A1; type B = B1;
      type M[C, D] = G[C, D]
  type Aux[FAB, GAB, Required1] = ApplyBiIso[FAB, GAB] { type Required = Required1 }
  def apply[FAB, GAB](implicit abi: ApplyBiIso[FAB, GAB]): Aux[FAB, GAB, abi.Required] = abi

sealed trait AppliedBiIso[FAB, GAB] {
  val iso: Iso[FAB, GAB]
object AppliedBiIso {
  implicit def applyAndIso[FAB, GAB, Required1](
    implicit ap: ApplyBiIso.Aux[FAB, GAB, Required1],
    iso1: Required1) = new AppliedBiIso[FAB, GAB] {
    //Should do the conversion properly with Leibniz but I can't be bothered
    val iso = ap.liftBI(iso1.asInstanceOf[BiIso[ap.F, ap.G]])

implicit def biIsoConvert[FAB, GAB](
  f: FAB)(implicit ap: AppliedBiIso[FAB, GAB]): GAB =

val map: Map[String, Int] = Map("Hello" -> 4)

val list: PairList[String, Int] =
  biIsoConvert[Map[String, Int], PairList[String, Int]](map)


这仍然留下了宏,这又是一个或多或少正交的问题。我可以看到它们可能相关的一个地方是,如果不使用宏就不可能在 scala 中抽象过度种类。您是否想要适用于任何“形状”的等效 Iso,而不仅仅是F[_, _]?对于宏来说,这将是一个很好的用例——尽管在我不羡慕任何试图实现它的人之前编写了这种宏。

于 2014-09-30T22:37:24.310 回答