I want to create s coons patch surface from four boundary curves s1(u), s2(u) q1(v), q2(v)

I know that equations are the following (added screenshots from a presentation):

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

There are a few parts of the equations that are not fully understand and i did not find any good explanation:

  1. In s1(u,v) what is the meaning of p1v(u) and p2v(u)? same goes for q1u(v) and q2u(v) in s2(u,v).

  2. In the A matrix, what is the meaning of A00(u,v)..A11(u,v). What would be the value of these parameters if p1,p2 are only functions of u (and not v) and q1,q2 are only function of v.

I would appreciate any help on this issue.


1 回答 1



当我们构建双立方浣熊补丁时,我们将使用Cubic Hermite splines。这些都需要位置和切线作为输入。因此,对于第一条边,P 1 (u) 是曲线的参数化,P 1 v (u) 是跨边的切线。表面中的任何点实际上都有两个切线,另一个是沿边缘的 P 1 u (u),即 dP 1 (u) / du。

对于 A 矩阵,这需要补丁的四个角点和导数。对于点 A 00,它使用两个一阶导数 ∂S / ∂u = A 00 u和 ∂S / ∂v = A 00 u和二阶导数之一 ∂<sup>2S / ∂u ∂v = A 00 uv . (我在这里用 S 表示定义表面的函数)。由于沿边缘的曲线的导数必须与拐角处的导数相匹配,因此我们有一些进一步的条件

  • A 00 u = ∂S / ∂u = P 1 u (0) = Q 1 u (0) = dP 1 / du (0)
  • A 00 v = ∂S / ∂v = P 1 v (0) = Q 1 v (0) = dQ 1 / dv (0)
  • A 00 uv = ∂<sup>2S / ∂u∂v = ∂P 1 v /∂u (0) = ∂Q 1 u /∂u (0)
于 2014-07-11T08:40:10.937 回答