我收到了一些纬度、经度和计数格式的客户数据。创建 ggplot 热图所需的所有数据都存在,但我不知道如何将其放入 ggplot 所需的格式。
我试图通过 0.01 Lat 和 0.01 Lon 块(典型的热图)内的总计数来聚合数据,我本能地认为“点击”。这会根据需要按块大小创建一个很好的摘要,但格式错误。此外,我真的很想将空的 Lat 或 Lon 块值包含为零,即使那里什么都没有……否则热图最终看起来很奇怪。
# m is the matrix of data provided
m = matrix(c(44.9591051,44.984884,44.984884,44.9811399,
69,147,137,22,68,198,35,138), nrow=8, ncol=3)
colnames(m) <- c("Lat", "Lon", "Count")
m <- as.data.frame(m)
s = as.data.frame((tapply(m$Count, list(round(m$Lon,2), round(m$Lat,2)), sum)))
s[is.na(s)] <- 0
# Data frame "s" has all the data, but not exactly in the format desired...
# First, it has a column for each latitude, instead of one column for Lon
# and one for Lat, and second, it needs to have 0 as the entry data for
# Lat / Lon pairs that have no other data. As it is, there are only zeroes
# when one of the other entries has a Lat or Lon that matches... if there
# are no entries for a particular Lat or Lon value, then nothing at all is
# reported.
desired.format = matrix(c(44.96,44.96,44.96,44.96,44.96,
nrow=25, ncol=3)
colnames(desired.format) <- c("Lat", "Lon", "Count")
desired.format <- as.data.frame(desired.format)
minneapolis = get_map(location = "minneapolis, mn", zoom = 12)
ggmap(minneapolis) + geom_tile(data = desired.format, aes(x = Lon, y = Lat, alpha = Count), fill="red")