I have a build server which leverages janky as the glue between jenkins and hubot.

I was wondering if anyone knows of a clean way in janky to duplicate a specific repository under a different name?

The main problem that I'm trying to solve is that I have a regular build job and I would like to create a separate job that runs the complete test suite only when certain conditions occur. All that while I still leverage the benefits of janky (web interface, hubot controls, etc.).

As far as I could tell there was no clean way to create a second job in janky that points to the exact same github repository. Looking at the application, I wonder if I should try to hack in an interface through janky's console. Has anyone had the same issue as me? If so, how did they solve this problem? I would like to keep janky in the picture, if feasible.


1 回答 1



在 janky 中设置存储库时,使用命令

ci setup github/janky

其中 github 是用户名,而 janky 是存储库。


ci setup github/janky janky-full full


ci build janky-full

full表示xml.erb您的目录中的文件(config/默认包含 default.xml.erb 和 environment.rb)

于 2014-07-08T11:58:19.543 回答