所以,让我们从代码开始,这样我可以更好地解释自己。我有 MyClass 类,其中包含一个 int 字段,Foo 类也包含 MyClass 作为字段。我想使用反射从 MyClass 获取 int 字段的值。
public class Foo
public MyClass myClass;
public class MyClass
public int Integer = 1;
Foo f = new Foo();
foreach(FieldInfo fi in f.GetType().GetFields())
//lets say now it enumerating myClass field
foreach(FieldInfo fi2 in fi.FieldType.GetFields())
return fi2.GetValue(f); //Here I need to use f.myClass, but I can't
//because it's generic method and I don't know what type I'm currently
//enumerating, so just typing f.myClass won't make it
问题是如何获得 f.myClass.Integer 的值?