我正在使用 Xcode 5.1.1 和 images.xcassets 来存储我的应用程序的大量图像(我现在意识到通过这样做,现在构建和运行我的应用程序需要更长的时间)。任何人,一切都按预期工作。当我通过设备连接并运行它时,所有图像都显示得很好。

问题是,当我归档我的项目以发送给我的 beta 测试人员时,在通过这些方式安装它时,该应用程序不会显示存储在 images.xcassets 中的任何图像,但会出现正常存储的其他图像(图标存储在 images.xcassets 中确实出现)。




1 回答 1


I have found a workaround that works well for me. I faced the same issue and found out the problem was the deployment target version. When changing deployment target from iOS 6.0 to iOS 8.0, many images which were part of a image catalogue(image.xcasset) were not seen when creating an archive and sharing with the testers. It worked fine when running the development build on the same iphone. On changing back the deployment target from iOS 8.0 to iOS 6.0 and creating an archive again those images were seen. So workaround is to change the deployment target back to 6.0. Not sure if there is a iOS bug for this though.

于 2016-02-24T10:50:12.823 回答