我有以下 MySQL 查询:

FROM    customer
fName LIKE '%#attributes.q#%' AND deleted = 'N'
lName LIKE '%#attributes.q#%' AND deleted = 'N'

这很适合猜测,但是如果您提供完全匹配:“Bill Clinton” fname=bill lname = clinton 到上面的查询,您会得到 0 个结果?比尔克林特给出结果的地方。

如何更新此查询以查找 LIKE 结果和 EQUAL TO 结果?


2 回答 2


Hard to tell from your question, but I'm guessing your customers table will look something like:

id    fName    lName      deleted
1     John     Doe        N
2     Bill     Clinton    N
3     Fred     Smith      N
4     George   Bush       Y

Your query, as you've stated it in your question, will never work, as it will look like this:

FROM customer
WHERE fname LIKE '%Bill Clinton%' AND deleted = 'N'
  lName LIKE '%Bill Clinton%' AND deleted = 'N'

There are no records in the table where the fName OR lName fields contain "Bill Clinton"

You would have to massage your #attributes.q# text so it'll generate something like this:

FROM customer
WHERE ((fName LIKE '%Bill%') OR (fName LIKE '%Clinton%')) AND deleted = 'N'
   ((lName LIKE '%Bill%') etc.....

LIKE comparisons are very much like using wildcards in filenames. They won't split up a block of text for you, but will tell you if a chunk of text exists, verbatim, inside another chunk of text.

I think what you need is a FULLTEXT search, which will consider individual words in a query string and return results. Of course, FULLTEXT is only available on MyISAM table types, so if you're using InnoDB or some other type, you're out of luck.

于 2010-03-15T05:04:34.187 回答

仅供参考 - 全文索引只能用于 InnoDB 或 MyISAM 表,并且只能为 CHAR、VARCHAR 或 TEXT 列创建。

于 2018-12-17T18:00:38.817 回答