这里有几个指针。首先,您的 application.ini 文件中应该有以下行。
resources.modules.admin = "enabled"
这将确保 Zend_Application_Resource_Modules 中的以下函数运行
public function init()
$bootstrap = $this->getBootstrap();
$front = $bootstrap->getResource('FrontController');
$modules = $front->getControllerDirectory();
$default = $front->getDefaultModule();
$curBootstrapClass = get_class($bootstrap);
foreach ($modules as $module => $moduleDirectory) {
$bootstrapClass = $this->_formatModuleName($module) . '_Bootstrap';
if (!class_exists($bootstrapClass, false)) {
$bootstrapPath = dirname($moduleDirectory) . '/Bootstrap.php';
if (file_exists($bootstrapPath)) {
$eMsgTpl = 'Bootstrap file found for module "%s" but bootstrap class "%s" not found';
include_once $bootstrapPath;
if (($default != $module)
&& !class_exists($bootstrapClass, false)
) {
throw new Zend_Application_Resource_Exception(sprintf(
$eMsgTpl, $module, $bootstrapClass
} elseif ($default == $module) {
if (!class_exists($bootstrapClass, false)) {
$bootstrapClass = 'Bootstrap';
if (!class_exists($bootstrapClass, false)) {
throw new Zend_Application_Resource_Exception(sprintf(
$eMsgTpl, $module, $bootstrapClass
} else {
if ($bootstrapClass == $curBootstrapClass) {
// If the found bootstrap class matches the one calling this
// resource, don't re-execute.
$moduleBootstrap = new $bootstrapClass($bootstrap);
$this->_bootstraps[$module] = $moduleBootstrap;
return $this->_bootstraps;
在上述函数中,您的模块引导程序被调用。您需要在 /application/modules/admin 中有一个名为 Bootstrap.php 的模块引导文件,其中包含以下代码:
class Admin_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap
我将跳过几个步骤,但如果您跟踪继承类,这将导致在 Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader 中调用以下函数
public function initDefaultResourceTypes()
$basePath = $this->getBasePath();
'dbtable' => array(
'namespace' => 'Model_DbTable',
'path' => 'models/DbTable',
'mappers' => array(
'namespace' => 'Model_Mapper',
'path' => 'models/mappers',
'form' => array(
'namespace' => 'Form',
'path' => 'forms',
'model' => array(
'namespace' => 'Model',
'path' => 'models',
'plugin' => array(
'namespace' => 'Plugin',
'path' => 'plugins',
'service' => array(
'namespace' => 'Service',
'path' => 'services',
'viewhelper' => array(
'namespace' => 'View_Helper',
'path' => 'views/helpers',
'viewfilter' => array(
'namespace' => 'View_Filter',
'path' => 'views/filters',