我们之前运行的是 Outlook 2007,我创建了一个脚本,用于对具有设置参考模式的电子邮件与没有设置参考模式的电子邮件进行排序。但是,由于更改为 Outlook 2013,该脚本不再有效。有效的脚本如下:

Const olFolderInbox = 6
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'creates outlook application
Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") 'sets the name space
Set objInbox = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 'finds the inbox
strFolderName = objInbox.Parent
Set objMailbox = objNamespace.Folders(strFolderName) 'sets the mailbox
Set objUnprocessed = objMailbox.Folders("Unprocessed Incoming Emails") 'sets one of the folders needed
Set objForwardFolder = objMailbox.Folders("Forwarded Emails") 'sets other folder needed
set objRegex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 'creates regex object
With objRegex
    .Pattern = "^([a-z?-i]{1}([0-9]{3})([0-9]?)|[1][0][1-9]{2})$" 'first regex pattern to check
    .Global = True
end With
set objReg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 'creates second regex object
With objReg
    .Pattern = "([a-z?-i]{1}([0-9]{3})([0-9]?)|[1][0][1-9]{2})" 'second regex to check
    .Global = True
end With
set objRegSlash = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 'creates third regex object
With objRegSlash
    .Pattern = "[\/]" 'used to change forwardslashes with spaces
    .Global = True
end With
lngCount = objUnprocessed.Items.Count 'returns the count of the items in the Unprocessed Emails Folder
For j = lngCount To 1 Step - 1 'for every item do the following
    matchingRef = "" 'used to return the reference in the email if matches
    EmailCheckString = objUnprocessed.Items(j) 'returns the email subject line
    if objReg.test(EmailCheckString) then 'if the subject line matches the first regex
        set EmailCheckString = objUnprocessed.Items(j) 'sets the subject line again
        if objRegSlash.test(EmailCheckString) then 'if the subject line contains forward slashes
            EmailCheckString = Replace(EmailCheckString, "/", " ") 'replace with space
        end if
        EmailCheckString = Split(EmailCheckString, " ") 'splits the subject line into an array as of each word
        for each word in EmailCheckString 'for each word in the array
            if objRegex.test(word) then 'if word matches secondary regex
                matchingRef = word 'matching ref is returns
                exit for 'exit loop
            end if
            if matchingRef <> "" then 'if the matching ref has been set
                Set nameChange = objUnprocessed.Items(j)
                nameChange.Subject = matchingRef 'changes the subject line to the reference
                nameChange.Save 'saves item
                objUnprocessed.Items(j).Move objInbox 'moves to the inbox
                set autoForward = objUnprocessed.Items(j).Forward 'sets the email to forward
                autoForward.Recipients.Add "name@domain.co.uk" 'adds email address
                autoForward.Send 'sends
                if objUnprocessed.Items(j).UnRead then 'if item is unread
                    objUnprocessed.Items(j).UnRead = false 'set to read
                    objUnprocessed.Items(j).Move objForwardFolder 'move to forwarded emails folder
                    objUnprocessed.Items(j).Move objForwardFolder 'move to forwarded emails folder
                end if
            end if
        set autoForward = objUnprocessed.Items(j).Forward 'sets email to forward
        autoForward.Recipients.Add "name@domain.co.uk" 'adds email address
        autoForward.Send 'sends
        if objUnprocessed.Items(j).UnRead then 'if the item is unread
            objUnprocessed.Items(j).UnRead = false 'set to read
            objUnprocessed.Items(j).Move objForwardFolder 'move to forwarded emails folder
           objUnprocessed.Items(j).Move objForwardFolder 'move to forwarded emails folder
        end if
    end if

但是它现在在第一个 EmailCheckString = objUnprocessed.Items(j) 处中断并显示:错误:对象不支持此属性或方法:'EmailCheckString' 代码:800A01B6

在升级 Outlook 2013 之前,此脚本运行良好。对于如何解决这个问题,有任何的建议吗?


1 回答 1



set EmailCheckString = objUnprocessed.Items(j)


EmailCheckString = objUnprocessed.Items(j).Subject
于 2014-06-23T14:44:03.893 回答