制作一个用于 Android 的 AS3 应用程序,它使用相机胶卷来加载、选择并使用图像。
The cameraroll browser works fine, but when the image is selected, the app crashes - almost every time - as it has worked on a handful of occasions (!?!) We assumed a memory issue and attempted to close all other windows / use smaller相机胶卷等中的照片并尝试不同的设备 - 但无法始终如一地重现成功。也找不到另一个可以工作的 ANE
public function openGallery():void {
var cameraRoll:CameraRoll = new CameraRoll();
if(CameraRoll.supportsBrowseForImage) {
cameraRoll.addEventListener(MediaEvent.SELECT, imageSelected);
cameraRoll.addEventListener(flash.events.Event.CANCEL, browseCanceled);
cameraRoll.addEventListener(flash.events.ErrorEvent.ERROR, mediaError);
else { trace( "Image browsing is not supported on this device."); }
private function imageSelected(event:MediaEvent):void {
trace("Media selected...");
var imagePromise:MediaPromise = event.data as MediaPromise;
_dataSource = imagePromise.open();
if(imagePromise.isAsync) {
trace("Asynchronous media promise.");
var eventSource:IEventDispatcher = _dataSource as IEventDispatcher;
eventSource.addEventListener(flash.events.Event.COMPLETE, onMediaLoaded);
} else {
trace("Synchronous media promise.");
private function onMediaLoaded(event:flash.events.Event):void{
trace("Media load complete");
_mediaBytes = new ByteArray();
_tempDir = File.createTempDirectory();
var now:Date = new Date();
var filename:String;
filename = now.fullYear + now.month + now.day+now.hours + now.minutes + now.seconds + ".JPG";
_file = _tempDir.resolvePath(filename);
//writing temporal file to display image
_stream = new FileStream();
_imageLoader = new Loader();
private function onMediaLoadedBitmapData(event:Event):void{
var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = LoaderInfo(event.target);
_bitmapData = new BitmapData(loaderInfo.width,loaderInfo.height,false,0xFFFFFF);