I have a Proxy testing function. Inside it I have a catch block and after a specified amount of time (TIMEOUT) if the proxy is not good I return a false flag. The problem is that once every 10 times the function hangs even though there's no exception present . Practically the HttpWebResponse.Timeout doesn't work correctly (or maybe it does but I don't know how to use it). How do I make the method return a false flag automatically after a specific amount of time in case my try...catch doesn't capture all errors ?
115 次
1 回答
Couldnt find link, that solution i found on SO a while ago.
public class TimeoutInvoker
public static void Run(Action action, int timeout)
var waitHandle = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
AsyncCallback callback = ar => waitHandle.Set();
action.BeginInvoke(callback, null);
if (!waitHandle.WaitOne(timeout))
throw new TimeoutException("Timeout.");
Just use your action and timeout as args. Example:
TimeoutInvoker.Run(()=>LongRunningFunction(), 60000);
于 2014-06-17T05:38:26.590 回答