MVC Kendo Grid calls an update method, and using fiddler I can see the objects data in the query string. In debug mode I can also see that the model binder was able to identify the number of objects in the query string. But when I look at my object list none of the values came across. I don't where else to look for possible solutions at this point.

Razor view: enter image description here

Fiddler: enter image description here

HTTP Request: GET [OMITTED ON PURPOSE]MultipleTaxTypesUpdate?models%5B0%5D%5BTaxId%5D=33a34b0e-06a1-415b-b2c7-c155839123d6&models%5B0%5D%5BName%5D=Event+Taxes&models%5B0%5D%5BExternalCode%5D=3

Debug View: enter image description here

In the debug view, notice how 1 object was detected but the properties are empty. If I update 2 objects, I would have 2 empty objects on the Debug View.

Model View

using System;
namespace ECM.DAL.ViewModels.Taxes
    public class TaxTypeViewModel
        public Guid TaxId { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int ExternalCode { get; set; }

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