

19 回答 19



unsigned long factorial(unsigned long f)
    if ( f == 0 ) 
        return 1;
    return(f * factorial(f - 1));

printf("%i", factorial(5));


于 2010-03-10T11:37:29.523 回答

这会计算非负整数 [*] 的阶乘,最高可达 ULONG_MAX,它的位数太多,以至于您的机器不太可能存储更多,即使它有时间计算它们。使用需要链接的 GNU 多精度库。

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gmp.h>

void factorial(mpz_t result, unsigned long input) {
    mpz_set_ui(result, 1);
    while (input > 1) {
        mpz_mul_ui(result, result, input--);

int main() {
    mpz_t fact;
    unsigned long input = 0;
    char *buf;

    scanf("%lu", &input);
    factorial(fact, input);

    buf = malloc(mpz_sizeinbase(fact, 10) + 1);
    mpz_get_str(buf, 10, fact);
    printf("%s\n", buf);



$ make factorial CFLAGS="-L/bin/ -lcyggmp-3 -pedantic" -B && ./factorial
cc -L/bin/ -lcyggmp-3 -pedantic    factorial.c   -o factorial

[*] 如果你用“数字”表示别的意思,那么你必须更具体。我不知道任何其他定义了阶乘的数字,尽管 Pascal 通过使用 Gamma 函数来扩展域做出了英勇的努力。

于 2010-03-10T12:17:15.177 回答

当您可以在 Haskell中执行时,为什么要在 C 中执行:

大一 Haskell 程序员

fac n = if n == 0 
           then 1
           else n * fac (n-1)

麻省理工学院的二年级 Haskell 程序员(大一时学习了 Scheme)

fac = (\(n) ->
        (if ((==) n 0)
            then 1
            else ((*) n (fac ((-) n 1)))))

初级 Haskell 程序员(Peano 初学者)

fac  0    =  1
fac (n+1) = (n+1) * fac n

另一位初级 Haskell 程序员(读到 n+k 模式是“Haskell 的一个令人作呕的部分” 1并加入了“禁止 n+k 模式”运动 [2])

fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n-1)

高级 Haskell 程序员(投票给尼克松·布坎南·布什——“偏右”)

fac n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n]

另一位 Haskell 高级程序员(投票给 McGovern Biafra

fac n = foldl (*) 1 [1..n]

又一位高级 Haskell 程序员(靠得很靠右,他又回到了左边!)

-- using foldr to simulate foldl

fac n = foldr (\x g n -> g (x*n)) id [1..n] 1

记忆 Haskell 程序员(每天服用银杏叶)

facs = scanl (*) 1 [1..]

fac n = facs !! n

Pointless (ahem) “Points-free” Haskell 程序员(在牛津学习)

fac = foldr (*) 1 . enumFromTo 1

迭代 Haskell 程序员(前 Pascal 程序员)

fac n = result (for init next done)
        where init = (0,1)
              next   (i,m) = (i+1, m * (i+1))
              done   (i,_) = i==n
              result (_,m) = m

for i n d = until d n i

迭代单行 Haskell 程序员(前 APL 和 C 程序员)

fac n = snd (until ((>n) . fst) (\(i,m) -> (i+1, i*m)) (1,1))


facAcc a 0 = a
facAcc a n = facAcc (n*a) (n-1)

fac = facAcc 1

续传 Haskell 程序员(早年养 RABBITS,后移居新泽西)

facCps k 0 = k 1
facCps k n = facCps (k . (n *)) (n-1)

fac = facCps id

童子军 Haskell 程序员(喜欢打结;总是“虔诚”,他属于最小定点教会 [8])

y f = f (y f)

fac = y (\f n -> if (n==0) then 1 else n * f (n-1))

组合 Haskell 程序员(避开变量,如果不是混淆的话;所有这些柯里化只是一个阶段,尽管它很少阻碍)

s f g x = f x (g x)

k x y   = x

b f g x = f (g x)

c f g x = f x g

y f     = f (y f)

cond p f g x = if p x then f x else g x

fac  = y (b (cond ((==) 0) (k 1)) (b (s (*)) (c b pred)))

列表编码 Haskell 程序员(喜欢一元计数)

arb = ()    -- "undefined" is also a good RHS, as is "arb" :)

listenc n = replicate n arb
listprj f = length . f . listenc

listprod xs ys = [ i (x,y) | x<-xs, y<-ys ]
                 where i _ = arb

facl []         = listenc  1
facl n@(_:pred) = listprod n (facl pred)

fac = listprj facl

解释型 Haskell 程序员(从未“遇到过他不喜欢的语言”)

-- a dynamically-typed term language

data Term = Occ Var
          | Use Prim
          | Lit Integer
          | App Term Term
          | Abs Var  Term
          | Rec Var  Term

type Var  = String
type Prim = String

-- a domain of values, including functions

data Value = Num  Integer
           | Bool Bool
           | Fun (Value -> Value)

instance Show Value where
  show (Num  n) = show n
  show (Bool b) = show b
  show (Fun  _) = ""

prjFun (Fun f) = f
prjFun  _      = error "bad function value"

prjNum (Num n) = n
prjNum  _      = error "bad numeric value"

prjBool (Bool b) = b
prjBool  _       = error "bad boolean value"

binOp inj f = Fun (\i -> (Fun (\j -> inj (f (prjNum i) (prjNum j)))))

-- environments mapping variables to values

type Env = [(Var, Value)]

getval x env =  case lookup x env of
                  Just v  -> v
                  Nothing -> error ("no value for " ++ x)

-- an environment-based evaluation function

eval env (Occ x) = getval x env
eval env (Use c) = getval c prims
eval env (Lit k) = Num k
eval env (App m n) = prjFun (eval env m) (eval env n)
eval env (Abs x m) = Fun  (\v -> eval ((x,v) : env) m)
eval env (Rec x m) = f where f = eval ((x,f) : env) m

-- a (fixed) "environment" of language primitives

times = binOp Num  (*)
minus = binOp Num  (-)
equal = binOp Bool (==)
cond  = Fun (\b -> Fun (\x -> Fun (\y -> if (prjBool b) then x else y)))

prims = [ ("*", times), ("-", minus), ("==", equal), ("if", cond) ]

-- a term representing factorial and a "wrapper" for evaluation

facTerm = Rec "f" (Abs "n" 
              (App (App (App (Use "if")
                   (App (App (Use "==") (Occ "n")) (Lit 0))) (Lit 1))
                   (App (App (Use "*")  (Occ "n"))
                        (App (Occ "f")  
                             (App (App (Use "-") (Occ "n")) (Lit 1))))))

fac n = prjNum (eval [] (App facTerm (Lit n)))

静态 Haskell 程序员(他在课堂上做,他得到了 Fundep Jones!在 Thomas Hallgren 的“Fun with Functional Dependencies”[7] 之后)

-- static Peano constructors and numerals

data Zero
data Succ n

type One   = Succ Zero
type Two   = Succ One
type Three = Succ Two
type Four  = Succ Three

-- dynamic representatives for static Peanos

zero  = undefined :: Zero
one   = undefined :: One
two   = undefined :: Two
three = undefined :: Three
four  = undefined :: Four

-- addition, a la Prolog

class Add a b c | a b -> c where
  add :: a -> b -> c
instance              Add  Zero    b  b
instance Add a b c => Add (Succ a) b (Succ c)

-- multiplication, a la Prolog

class Mul a b c | a b -> c where
  mul :: a -> b -> c

instance                           Mul  Zero    b Zero
instance (Mul a b c, Add b c d) => Mul (Succ a) b d

-- factorial, a la Prolog

class Fac a b | a -> b where
  fac :: a -> b

instance                                Fac  Zero    One
instance (Fac n k, Mul (Succ n) k m) => Fac (Succ n) m

-- try, for "instance" (sorry):
--     :t fac four

刚毕业的 Haskell 程序员(研究生教育倾向于让一个人从琐碎的担忧中解放出来,例如,基于硬件的整数的效率)

-- the natural numbers, a la Peano

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

-- iteration and some applications

iter z s  Zero    = z
iter z s (Succ n) = s (iter z s n)

plus n = iter n     Succ
mult n = iter Zero (plus n)

-- primitive recursion

primrec z s  Zero    = z
primrec z s (Succ n) = s n (primrec z s n)

-- two versions of factorial

fac  = snd . iter (one, one) (\(a,b) -> (Succ a, mult a b))
fac' = primrec one (mult . Succ)

-- for convenience and testing (try e.g. "fac five")

int = iter 0 (1+)

instance Show Nat where
  show = show . int

(zero : one : two : three : four : five : _) = iterate Succ Zero

Origamist Haskell programmer
(always starts out with the “basic Bird fold”)

-- (curried, list) fold and an application

fold c n []     = n
fold c n (x:xs) = c x (fold c n xs)

prod = fold (*) 1

-- (curried, boolean-based, list) unfold and an application

unfold p f g x = 
  if p x 
     then [] 
     else f x : unfold p f g (g x)

downfrom = unfold (==0) id pred

-- hylomorphisms, as-is or "unfolded" (ouch! sorry ...)

refold  c n p f g   = fold c n . unfold p f g

refold' c n p f g x = 
  if p x 
     then n 
     else c (f x) (refold' c n p f g (g x))

-- several versions of factorial, all (extensionally) equivalent

fac   = prod . downfrom
fac'  = refold  (*) 1 (==0) id pred
fac'' = refold' (*) 1 (==0) id pred

笛卡尔倾向的 Haskell 程序员(更喜欢希腊食物,避免辛辣的印度食物;灵感来自 Lex Augusteijn 的“Sorting Morphisms”[3])

-- (product-based, list) catamorphisms and an application

cata (n,c) []     = n
cata (n,c) (x:xs) = c (x, cata (n,c) xs)

mult = uncurry (*)
prod = cata (1, mult)

-- (co-product-based, list) anamorphisms and an application

ana f = either (const []) (cons . pair (id, ana f)) . f

cons = uncurry (:)

downfrom = ana uncount

uncount 0 = Left  ()
uncount n = Right (n, n-1)

-- two variations on list hylomorphisms

hylo  f  g    = cata g . ana f

hylo' f (n,c) = either (const n) (c . pair (id, hylo' f (c,n))) . f

pair (f,g) (x,y) = (f x, g y)

-- several versions of factorial, all (extensionally) equivalent

fac   = prod . downfrom
fac'  = hylo  uncount (1, mult)
fac'' = hylo' uncount (1, mult)

博士 Haskell 程序员(吃了太多香蕉,眼睛都肿了,现在他需要新镜头!)

-- explicit type recursion based on functors

newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))  deriving Show

in      x  = Mu x
out (Mu x) = x

-- cata- and ana-morphisms, now for *arbitrary* (regular) base functors

cata phi = phi . fmap (cata phi) . out
ana  psi = in  . fmap (ana  psi) . psi

-- base functor and data type for natural numbers,
-- using a curried elimination operator

data N b = Zero | Succ b  deriving Show

instance Functor N where
  fmap f = nelim Zero (Succ . f)

nelim z s  Zero    = z
nelim z s (Succ n) = s n

type Nat = Mu N

-- conversion to internal numbers, conveniences and applications

int = cata (nelim 0 (1+))

instance Show Nat where
  show = show . int

zero = in   Zero
suck = in . Succ       -- pardon my "French" (Prelude conflict)

plus n = cata (nelim n     suck   )
mult n = cata (nelim zero (plus n))

-- base functor and data type for lists

data L a b = Nil | Cons a b  deriving Show

instance Functor (L a) where
  fmap f = lelim Nil (\a b -> Cons a (f b))

lelim n c  Nil       = n
lelim n c (Cons a b) = c a b

type List a = Mu (L a)

-- conversion to internal lists, conveniences and applications

list = cata (lelim [] (:))

instance Show a => Show (List a) where
  show = show . list

prod = cata (lelim (suck zero) mult)

upto = ana (nelim Nil (diag (Cons . suck)) . out)

diag f x = f x x

fac = prod . upto

Post-doc Haskell programmer
(from Uustalu, Vene and Pardo’s “Recursion Schemes from Comonads” [4])

-- explicit type recursion with functors and catamorphisms

newtype Mu f = In (f (Mu f))

unIn (In x) = x

cata phi = phi . fmap (cata phi) . unIn

-- base functor and data type for natural numbers,
-- using locally-defined "eliminators"

data N c = Z | S c

instance Functor N where
  fmap g  Z    = Z
  fmap g (S x) = S (g x)

type Nat = Mu N

zero   = In  Z
suck n = In (S n)

add m = cata phi where
  phi  Z    = m
  phi (S f) = suck f

mult m = cata phi where
  phi  Z    = zero
  phi (S f) = add m f

-- explicit products and their functorial action

data Prod e c = Pair c e

outl (Pair x y) = x
outr (Pair x y) = y

fork f g x = Pair (f x) (g x)

instance Functor (Prod e) where
  fmap g = fork (g . outl) outr

-- comonads, the categorical "opposite" of monads

class Functor n => Comonad n where
  extr :: n a -> a
  dupl :: n a -> n (n a)

instance Comonad (Prod e) where
  extr = outl
  dupl = fork id outr

-- generalized catamorphisms, zygomorphisms and paramorphisms

gcata :: (Functor f, Comonad n) =>
           (forall a. f (n a) -> n (f a))
             -> (f (n c) -> c) -> Mu f -> c

gcata dist phi = extr . cata (fmap phi . dist . fmap dupl)

zygo chi = gcata (fork (fmap outl) (chi . fmap outr))

para :: Functor f => (f (Prod (Mu f) c) -> c) -> Mu f -> c
para = zygo In

-- factorial, the *hard* way!

fac = para phi where
  phi  Z             = suck zero
  phi (S (Pair f n)) = mult f (suck n)

-- for convenience and testing

int = cata phi where
  phi  Z    = 0
  phi (S f) = 1 + f

instance Show (Mu N) where
  show = show . int

终身教授(向新生教授 Haskell)

fac n = product [1..n]
  • 来自威拉米特大学 Fritz Ruehr的 Haskell 程序员的演变内容- 2001 年 7 月 11 日
于 2010-03-10T23:33:30.300 回答

感谢 Christoph,一个适用于很多“数字”的 C99 解决方案:

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

double fact(double x)
  return tgamma(x+1.);

int main()
  printf("%f %f\n", fact(3.0), fact(5.0));
  return 0;

产生 6.000000 120.000000

于 2010-03-10T14:59:09.250 回答

For large n you may run into some issues and you may want to use Stirling's approximation:

Which is:

alt text

于 2010-03-10T12:08:07.857 回答


int facorial(int a) {
   int b = 1, c, d, e;
   for (c = a; c > 0; c--)
   for (d = b; d > 0; d--)
   for (e = c; e > 0; e--)
   return b;


于 2010-03-10T12:15:19.597 回答

a tail-recursive version:

long factorial(long n)
    return tr_fact(n, 1);
static long tr_fact(long n, long result)
        return result;
        return tr_fact(n-1, n*result);
于 2010-03-10T12:02:11.193 回答

在 C99(或 Java)中,我会像这样迭代地编写阶乘函数:

int factorial(int n)
    int result = 1;
    for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
        result *= i;
    return result;
  • C 不是函数式语言,您不能依赖尾调用优化。因此,除非需要,否则不要在 C(或 Java)中使用递归。

  • 仅仅因为阶乘经常用作递归的第一个示例,并不意味着您需要递归来计算它。

  • 如果 n 太大,这将静默溢出,就像 C(和 Java)中的自定义一样。

  • 如果 int 可以表示的数字对于您要计算的阶乘而言太小,则选择另一种数字类型。long long 如果它需要稍微大一点,float 或 double 如果 n 不是太大并且你不介意一些不精确,或者如果你想要真正大阶乘的确切值,则使用大整数。

于 2010-03-12T06:46:51.383 回答
int factorial(int n){
    return n <= 1 ? 1 : n * factorial(n-1);
于 2010-03-11T14:06:00.167 回答

这是一个使用 OPENSSL 的 BIGNUM 实现的 C 程序,因此对学生来说不是特别有用。(当然接受 BIGNUM 作为输入参数很疯狂,但有助于演示 BIGNUM 之间的交互)。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>

BIGNUM *factorial(const BIGNUM *num)
    BIGNUM *count = BN_new();
    BIGNUM *fact = NULL;
    BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;

    if( BN_cmp(num, BN_value_one()) <= 0 )
        return count;

    ctx = BN_CTX_new();
    fact = BN_dup(num);
    BN_sub(count, fact, BN_value_one());
    while( BN_cmp(count, BN_value_one()) > 0 )
        BN_mul(fact, count, fact, ctx);
        BN_sub(count, count, BN_value_one());


    return fact;


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    const char *test_cases[] =
        "0", "1",
        "1", "1",
        "4", "24",
        "15", "1307674368000",
        "30", "265252859812191058636308480000000",
        "56", "710998587804863451854045647463724949736497978881168458687447040000000000000",
        NULL, NULL
    int index = 0;
    BIGNUM *bn = NULL;
    BIGNUM *fact = NULL;
    char *result_str = NULL;

    for( index = 0; test_cases[index] != NULL; index += 2 )
        BN_dec2bn(&bn, test_cases[index]);

        fact = factorial(bn);

        result_str = BN_bn2dec(fact);
        printf("%3s: %s\n", test_cases[index], result_str);
        assert(strcmp(result_str, test_cases[index + 1]) == 0);

        bn = NULL;

    return 0;

用 gcc 编译:

gcc factorial.c -o factorial -g -lcrypto
于 2010-03-10T18:02:29.327 回答

对于大数,您可能可以使用一个近似解,tgamma从 math.h 中得到 (n! = Gamma(n+1))。如果您想要更大的数字,它们将不适合双精度数,因此您应该改用lgamma(伽玛函数的自然对数)。

如果您在没有完整 C99 math.h 的地方工作,您可以轻松地自己做这种事情:

double logfactorial(int n) {
  double fac = 0.0;
  for ( ; n>1 ; n--) fac += log(fac);
  return fac;
于 2010-03-10T21:53:05.397 回答


只是另一种方法,让海报意识到不同的技术。许多递归解决方案也可以被记忆,在算法运行时填充查找表,从而大大降低未来调用的成本(我猜有点像 .NET JIT 编译背后的原理)。

于 2010-03-11T09:50:35.717 回答


#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <stdlib.h>

int main()
   int x, number, fac;
   fac = 1;
   printf("Enter a number:\n");

      printf("Factorial not defined for negative numbers.\n");

   for(x = 1; x <= number; x++)
      if (number >= 0)
         fac = fac * x;

   printf("%d! = %d\n", number, fac);
于 2010-03-10T12:11:38.053 回答



for i from 1 to n
    r= r + log(i)/log(10)

print "result is:", 10^(r-floor(r)) ,"*10^" , floor(r)


于 2010-03-11T13:24:02.137 回答

C 中使用递归的示例

unsigned long factorial(unsigned long f)
        if (f) return(f * factorial(f - 1));
        return 1;

printf("%lu", factorial(5));
于 2010-03-10T11:38:47.337 回答

我们必须从1指定的限制开始,比如 .Start nfrom 1*2*3...*n

在 c 中,我将其编写为一个函数。

 int n;

long int fact(int n)
 long int facto=1;
 int i; 
 return facto;
于 2010-03-11T11:20:46.357 回答


unsigned int factorial(unsigned int n)
   return (n == 1 || n == 0) ? 1 : factorial(n - 1) * n;
于 2015-05-03T16:48:53.200 回答

我会按照Boy 先生的建议使用预先计算的查找表来执行此操作。这将比迭代或递归解决方案更快地计算。它取决于n!增长的速度,因为在n!不溢出的情况下您可以计算的unsigned long long最大值(最大值为 18,446,744,073,709,551,615)仅为20!,因此您只需要一个包含 21 个元素的数组。这是它在 c 中的样子:

long long factorial (int n) {
    long long f[22] = {1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880, 3628800, 39916800, 479001600, 6227020800, 87178291200, 1307674368000, 20922789888000, 355687428096000, 6402373705728000, 121645100408832000, 2432902008176640000, 51090942171709440000};
    return f[n]; 


于 2014-05-16T17:34:16.087 回答


int main(){
  int i=1,f=1,n;

  printf("\n\nEnter a number: ");
  printf("Factorial of is: %d",f);
于 2017-08-01T08:28:42.010 回答