代码的想法是我有一个全局数组 *v (我希望使用这个数组不会减慢速度,线程不应该访问相同的值,因为它们都在不同的范围内工作)并且我尝试创建 2 个线程每个通过调用具有相应参数的函数 merge_sort() 对前半部分和后半部分进行排序。
在线程运行中,我看到进程将使用 80-100% cpu 使用率(在双核 cpu 上),而在没有线程运行时它仅保持在 50%,但运行时间非常接近。
void merge (int *v, int start, int middle, int end) {
//dynamically creates 2 new arrays for the v[start..middle] and v[middle+1..end]
//copies the original values into the 2 halves
//then sorts them back into the v array
void merge_sort (int *v, int start, int end) {
//recursively calls merge_sort(start, (start+end)/2) and merge_sort((start+end)/2+1, end) to sort them
//calls merge(start, middle, end)
void* mergesort_t2(void * arg) {
t_data* th_info = (t_data*)arg;
merge_sort(v, th_info->a, th_info->b);
return (void*)0;
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
//some stuff
//getting the clock to calculate run time
clock_t t_inceput, t_sfarsit;
t_inceput = clock();
//ignore crt_depth for this example (in the full code i'm recursively creating new threads and i need this to know when to stop)
//the a and b are the range of values the created thread will have to sort
pthread_t thread[2];
t_data next_info[2];
next_info[0].crt_depth = 1;
next_info[0].a = 0;
next_info[0].b = n/2;
next_info[1].crt_depth = 1;
next_info[1].a = n/2+1;
next_info[1].b = n-1;
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
if (pthread_create (&thread[i], NULL, &mergesort_t2, &next_info[i]) != 0) {
return err;
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
if (pthread_join(thread[i], &status) != 0) {
return err;
//now i merge the 2 sorted halves
merge(v, 0, n/2, n-1);
//calculate end time
t_sfarsit = clock();
cout<<"Sort time (s): "<<double(t_sfarsit - t_inceput)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<endl;
delete [] v;
输出(100 万个值):
Sort time (s): 1.294
直接调用 merge_sort 输出,无线程:
Sort time (s): 1.388
输出(1000 万个值):
Sort time (s): 12.75
直接调用 merge_sort 输出,无线程:
Sort time (s): 13.838
我还要感谢 WhozCraig 和 Adam,因为他们从一开始就暗示了这一点。
这是我的初始合并函数(不确定是否是初始的,我可能已经修改了几次,现在数组索引也可能是错误的,我在 [a,b] 和 [a,b] 之间来回切换) ,这只是最后一个被注释掉的版本):
void merge (int *v, int a, int m, int c) { //sorts v[a,m] - v[m+1,c] in v[a,c]
//create the 2 new arrays
int *st = new int[m-a+1];
int *dr = new int[c-m+1];
//copy the values
for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= m-a; i1++)
st[i1] = v[a+i1];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 <= c-(m+1); i2++)
dr[i2] = v[m+1+i2];
//merge them back together in sorted order
int is=0, id=0;
for (int i=0; i<=c-a; i++) {
if (id+m+1 > c || (a+is <= m && st[is] <= dr[id])) {
v[a+i] = st[is];
else {
v[a+i] = dr[id];
delete st, dr;
inplace_merge(v+a, v+m, v+c);
编辑,有时在我的 3ghz 双核 cpu 上:
100 万个值:1 个线程:7.236 s 2 个线程:4.622 s 4 个线程:4.692 s
1000 万个值:1 个线程:82.034 秒 2 个线程:46.189 秒 4 个线程:47.36 秒