我无法使用 kill 命令杀死在 cakePHP 中运行的作业。我的作业控制器的索引视图中的表格中显示了一个进程列表,每个正在运行的进程都有一个链接,您可以单击该链接将其终止。
echo $this->Form->create('Job', array('action' => 'actOnJob', 'onsubmit' => 'return confirm("are you sure?");'));
echo "<table>\n";
/* irrelevant code excluded */
$nonOrphanPids = array();
foreach ($jobs as $job) {
/* irrelevant code excluded */
if ($job['Job']['is_running'] == 1 && $job['Job']['pid'] != null) {
echo " <td>";
//KEY PART OF CODE FOR THIS QUESTION, this is a link that attempts to abort the job selected
echo $this->Html->link('Abort Job', array('action' => 'actOnJob', $id, 'abort'), array('confirm' => __('Are you sure?')));
echo "</td>";
echo " <td>";
echo $this->Form->input('',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'name' => "cbAbort$id",
'id' => "cbAbort$id",
'default' => isset($_REQUEST["cbAbort$id"]) ? $_REQUEST["cbAbort$id"] : 0
} else {
echo " <td colspan='2'>";
echo " </td>";
/* irrelevant code excluded */
foreach ($orphanJobsDetails as $ophanJobDetails) {
if (!in_array($ophanJobDetails['PID'], $nonOrphanPids) &&
strpos($ophanJobDetails['COMMAND'], 'grep insertVehicleData.py') === false)
/* irrelevant code excluded */
//KEY PART OF CODE FOR THIS QUESTION, this is a link that attempts to abort the job selected
echo $this->Html->link('Abort Job', array('action' => 'actOnJob', $id, 'abort'), array('confirm' => __('Are you sure?')));
echo " <td>";
echo $this->Form->input(
'', array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'name' => "cbAbort$id",
'id' => "cbAbort$id",
'default' => isset($_REQUEST["cbAbort$id"]) ? $_REQUEST["cbAbort$id"] : 0
echo " </td>";
/* irrelevant code excluded */
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
然后在 myApp/app/Controller/JobsController.php 中:
class JobsController extends AppController {
public function actOnJob($id = 0, $action = '') {
$this->autoRender = false;
/*irrelevant code excluded*/
else if ($action == 'abort') {
/*irrelevant code excluded*/
public function abort($id) {
if (strpos($id, '_') === false) {
$job = $this->Job->find('first', array('conditions' => array('id' => $id))); //, 'fields' => array('pid', 'is_running')));
if ($job['Job']['is_running'] == 1) {
$cmd = env('DOCUMENT_ROOT') . '/app/killprocess.sh ' . $job['Job']['pid'];
//originally tried the following 2 lines, one a time, before trying `shell_exec($cmd)`;
//posix_kill($job['Job']['pid'], 9);
//posix_kill($job['Job']['pid'], 15);
$this->Job->id = $id;
$this->Job->save(array('Job' => array('is_running' => 0, 'pid' => null)));
$this->JobRunnings->save(array('JobRunnings' => array('is_running' => 0, 'id' => 1)));
} else {
$pid = intval(substr($id, 1));
$cmd = env('DOCUMENT_ROOT') . '/app/killprocess.sh ' . $pid;
然后在 myApp/app/killProcess.sh 中,我有:
kill -15 $1
但是当我点击杀死一个工作时,它并没有停止。虽然如果我从命令行手动运行命令,它确实会杀死它。根据我的阅读,我认为这可能与没有 sudo 权限有关,现在基于我尝试更改代码
myApp/app/killProcess.sh 到:
sudo kill -15 $1