有人在 MPM Worker 中使用 ZendOPcache 尝试过 APCu 吗?我遇到了 MPM Worker-APC 的问题,但我找到了这篇文章https://engineyard.zendesk.com/entries/26902267

我的目标是实现 Apache MPM Worker 与 mod_fcgi [为 mod_spdy 工作] 和 ZendOPcache 与 APCu(用户缓存)和 Varnish 在顶部。我在 KVM 上运行 Centos 6.4。



1 回答 1


Disclaimer: I am a Jetty developer, but since you asked for any opinion, here you go.

A very alternative option is to run Jetty with its FastCGI module (this link is actually WordPress run by Jetty and with Chrome it's served via SPDY too - via ALPN).

Jetty is a Java server well known for its SPDY support (the only server that does transparent SPDY push), and recently for its FastCGI support too; it has a small memory footprint and it's highly scalable because it is completely asynchronous.

With HAProxy in the front (mostly for SSL offloading) we are very satisfied of the setup.

于 2014-06-07T17:20:44.767 回答