我找到了代码,它从 Web Platform Installer 下载并安装了一些程序。它成功运行,但我需要下载并安装 Azure PowerShell 而不是这个软件。那么,如何更改代码(或如何获取 id powershell azure)?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Web.PlatformInstaller;
namespace CustomProductInstaller
class Program
protected readonly static string MainXml = "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=158722";
protected readonly static string CustomXml = "http://blogs.iis.net/blogs/kateroh/SIR/SIRWebPIFeed.xml";
protected readonly static string CustomProductId = "AppGallerySIRBinaries";//Need change here to ID Azure PowerShell
protected readonly static string CustomAppId = "AppGallerySIRApp";//Need change here to ID Azure PowerShell
private static bool _installCompleted = false;
static void Main(string[] args)
ProductManager productManager = new ProductManager();
// 1. Load main product feeds
new Uri(MainXml), // location of the main feed
false, // load products for all architectures and platforms
true // load enclosures (eg WebApplicationList.xml)
// 2. Load custom feed
productManager.LoadExternalFile(new Uri(CustomXml));
// 3. Find the custom product by product Id
Product customProduct = productManager.GetProduct(CustomProductId);
Product customApp = productManager.GetProduct(CustomAppId);
// 4. Find all products to install (custom product + its dependencies)
List<Product> productsToInstall = new List<Product>();
AddProductWithDependencies(customProduct, productsToInstall);
AddProductWithDependencies(customApp, productsToInstall);
// 5. Pick the right installers - for the chosen language, if such is not available, fall back to English
List<Installer> installersToUse = new List<Installer>();
Language languageOfInstallers = productManager.GetLanguage("fr");
Language english = productManager.GetLanguage("en");
foreach (Product productToInstall in productsToInstall)
Installer currentInstaller = productToInstall.GetInstaller(languageOfInstallers);
if (currentInstaller == null)
currentInstaller = productToInstall.GetInstaller(english); ;
// 6. Prepare installers
InstallManager installManager = new InstallManager();
// 7. Sign up for installation events
installManager.InstallerStatusUpdated += new EventHandler<InstallStatusEventArgs>(InstallManager_InstallerStatusUpdated);
installManager.InstallCompleted += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(InstallManager_InstallCompleted);
foreach (InstallerContext installerContext in installManager.InstallerContexts)
string failureReason;
installManager.DownloadInstallerFile(installerContext, out failureReason);
// 8. Install products first
while (!_installCompleted) ;
_installCompleted = false;
// 9. At this point all products in ProductManager are downloaded, so we can set parameters on the application
// NOTE: you cannot set application parameters, before it is downloaded
// in this case, the language of the Web Deploy package does not matter, since it is not displayed in the UI
Installer appInstaller = customApp.GetInstaller(english);
foreach (DeclaredParameter declaredParameter in appInstaller.MSDeployPackage.DeclaredParameters)
// set values of parameters that do not have default values
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(declaredParameter.DefaultValue))
appInstaller.MSDeployPackage.SetParameters[declaredParameter.Name] = "New Value";
// 10. Then install applications (because application might have product dependencies, but not vice versa)
while (!_installCompleted) ;
private static void AddProductWithDependencies(Product product, List<Product> productsToInstall)
// avoid duplicates
if (!productsToInstall.Contains(product))
// GetMissingDependencies will check whether any dependencies are not installed for the product
// AND are not already added to the install list (productsToInstall)
ICollection<Product> missingDependencies = product.GetMissingDependencies(productsToInstall);
if (missingDependencies != null)
foreach (Product dependency in missingDependencies)
AddProductWithDependencies(dependency, productsToInstall);
private static void InstallManager_InstallerStatusUpdated(object sender, InstallStatusEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine(e.InstallerContext.ProductName + ": " +
e.InstallerContext.InstallationState + ". " +
e.InstallerContext.ReturnCode.DetailedInformation +
"Progress: " + e.ProgressValue.ToString());
private static void InstallManager_InstallCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Installation completed");
_installCompleted = true;