我想向现有 200 万个节点和 10+ 百万条边的图形中的节点选择添加一个新属性 [有时还会添加边]。我想过使用 BatchGraph,但从他们的 WIKI 看来它不支持任何检索查询。

例如检索这些节点:gV('id',1).has('prop1','text1') 并将'prop1'更新为'text2'。



1 回答 1


I don't think you need to use BatchGraph here. It sounds as if you are doing a large graph mutation in which case it would probably best to just write a Gremlin script to do your changes. You don't have a very large graph so unless you plan to do some very complex mutations (e.g a fat multi-step traversal), it shouldn't take very long to execute. If you do think it's going to run "long" you should think of ways to parallelize the job. If you go this route you might consider using gpars.

As your graph grows, you will find that you will need to use Faunus for most data administration. Specifically, that means utilizing script step.

于 2014-06-05T15:54:51.390 回答