如果要计算多列中的重复项,请使用group by
select ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC, count(*) as NumDuplicates
from table
group by ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC
如果您只想要重复的值,则计数大于 1。您可以使用以下having
select ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC, count(*) as NumDuplicates
from table
group by ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC
having NumDuplicates > 1
select t.*
from table t join
(select ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC, count(*) as NumDuplicates
from table
group by ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC
having NumDuplicates > 1
) tsum
on t.ColumnA = tsum.ColumnA and t.ColumnB = tsum.ColumnB and t.ColumnC = tsum.ColumnC
这将起作用,假设所有列值都不是 NULL。如果是这样,请尝试:
on (t.ColumnA = tsum.ColumnA or t.ColumnA is null and tsum.ColumnA is null) and
(t.ColumnB = tsum.ColumnB or t.ColumnB is null and tsum.ColumnB is null) and
(t.ColumnC = tsum.ColumnC or t.ColumnC is null and tsum.ColumnC is null)
-safe 运算符:
on t.ColumnA <=> tsum.ColumnA and
t.ColumnB <=> tsum.ColumnB and
t.ColumnC <=> tsum.ColumnC