所以,这里有一些 PLT Scheme 代码可以做到这一点。
#lang scheme
(require (only-in srfi/1 iota))
; a bunch of trig
(define (deg->rad d)
(* pi (/ d 180)))
(define (rad->deg r)
(* 180 (/ r pi)))
(define (euclidean-length v)
(sqrt (apply + (map (lambda (x) (expt x 2)) v))))
(define (dot a b)
(apply + (map * a b)))
(define (angle-ratio a b)
(/ (dot a b)
(* (euclidean-length a) (euclidean-length b))))
; given a list of 3 points, calculate the likelihood of the
; angle they represent. straight is better.
(define (probability-triple a b c)
(let ([av (map - a b)]
[bv (map - c b)])
(cos (/ (- pi (abs (acos (angle-ratio av bv)))) 2))))
; makes a random 2d point. uncomment the bit for a 3d point
(define (random-point . x)
(list (/ (random 1000) 100)
(/ (random 1000) 100)
#;(/ (random 1000) 100)))
; calculate the likelihood of an entire list of points
(define (point-order-likelihood lst)
(if (null? (cdddr lst))
(* (probability-triple (car lst)
(cadr lst)
(caddr lst))
(point-order-likelihood (cdr lst)))))
; just print a list of points
(define (print-points lst)
(for ([p (in-list lst)])
(printf "~a~n"
(string-join (map number->string
(map exact->inexact p))
" "))))
; attempts to improve upon a list
(define (find-better-arrangement start
; by default, try only 10 times to find something better
[tries 10]
; if we find an arrangement that is as good as one where
; every segment bends by 22.5 degrees (which would be
; reasonably gentle) then call it good enough. higher
; cut offs are more demanding.
[cut-off (expt (cos (/ pi 8))
(- (length start) 2))])
(let ([vec (list->vector start)]
; evaluate what we've started with
[eval (point-order-likelihood start)])
(let/ec done
; if the current list exceeds the cut off, we're done
(when (> eval cut-off)
(done start))
; otherwise, try no more than 'tries' times...
(for ([x (in-range tries)])
; pick two random points in the list
(let ([ai (random (vector-length vec))]
[bi (random (vector-length vec))])
; if they're the same...
(when (= ai bi)
; increment the second by 1, wrapping around the list if necessary
(set! bi (modulo (add1 bi) (vector-length vec))))
; take the values from the two positions...
(let ([a (vector-ref vec ai)]
[b (vector-ref vec bi)])
; swap them
(vector-set! vec bi a)
(vector-set! vec ai b)
; make a list out of the vector
(let ([new (vector->list vec)])
; if it evaluates to better
(when (> (point-order-likelihood new) eval)
; start over with it
(done (find-better-arrangement new tries cut-off)))))))
; we fell out the bottom of the search. just give back what we started with
; evaluate, display, and improve a list of points, five times
(define points (map random-point (iota 10)))
(define tmp points)
(printf "~a~n" (point-order-likelihood tmp))
(print-points tmp)
(set! tmp (find-better-arrangement tmp 10))
(printf "~a~n" (point-order-likelihood tmp))
(print-points tmp)
(set! tmp (find-better-arrangement tmp 100))
(printf "~a~n" (point-order-likelihood tmp))
(print-points tmp)
(set! tmp (find-better-arrangement tmp 1000))
(printf "~a~n" (point-order-likelihood tmp))
(print-points tmp)
(set! tmp (find-better-arrangement tmp 10000))
(printf "~a~n" (point-order-likelihood tmp))
(print-points tmp)