I'm trying to get all the recent activity posts where I become friends with another person. Is it possible to retreive the information though the FQL or another way?

I tried to use the stream to the base minimum - by adding a new friend and use the following FQL statement:

select message from stream where source_id = me()

But i don't get the ... are now friends part, can someone tell me how to retrieve such data?

Best regards


1 回答 1


我不认为这些信息存储在 FQL 表中的某个地方,至少我不知道。

我能想到的唯一方法是使用实​​时更新:https ://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/real-time-updates/v2.0

于 2014-06-02T07:34:03.953 回答