如何将向量/列列表传递给 plyer:ddply 内联函数?此代码有效:
newdf <-ddply(olddf, .(V1, V2), function(df)
c( mean(df$V3), +
mean(df$V4), +
mean(df$V5), +
mean(df$V6), +
mean(df$V7), +
mean(df$V8), +
mean(df$V9), +
mean(df$V10), +
mean(df$V11), +
mean(df$V12), +
mean(df$V13), +
mean(df$V14), +
mean(df$V15), +
mean(df$V16), +
mean(df$V17), +
mean(df$V18), +
mean(df$V19), +
newdf <-ddply( olddf, .(V1, V2), function(df) lapply(df[,3:20], mean) )
Error in list_to_dataframe(res, attr(.data, "split_labels"), .id, id_as_factor) :
Results must be all atomic, or all data frames
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)