我正在尝试使用 XCTU 工具在 API 模式下的两个 XBee S2 模块之间进行通信。一台设备作为路由器,另一台设备作为协调器。我在 AT 模式下成功地通信了两个 XBee 模块,它们中的任何一个都是 API 或 AT 模式。但是当我在 API 模式下配置它们时,它们没有通信。


2 回答 2


How do you know they're not communicating? How are you forming your API frames to send into the device?

In API mode, the XBee module requires a checksummed series of bytes in a specific format to send data to another device. During your tests between the module in AT mode and the one in API mode, you were probably able to see a received frame on the API module when typing data into X-CTU on the AT module.

What language are you going to write your program in? I would recommend using a code library to manage encoding and decoding the API frames.

Digi has a webpage listing XBee host libraries in various languages.

于 2014-05-27T15:25:11.567 回答

经过大量尝试后,我发现了配置 X Bee 模块的两个技巧

  1. 如果您的 X Bee 模块没有被读取,只需

  2. 如果它也没有响应读取甚至写入,请使用单线将复位引脚接地几秒钟。

于 2014-06-26T09:44:02.113 回答