我想自动化在 Word 中填充报告的过程。我在约 400 页的文档中有数百个图形和表格。我使用 Matlab 来处理我的数据,将图形保存到有组织的文件夹中,并在 Excel 文件模板的不同选项卡中填充预先格式化的表格。我对它的这一面很满意,但是用复制和粘贴填充 Word 报告是很费时间的。

我很快就会做一个非常相似的报告,我想完全删除填充报告的 C 和 P 部分,无论是保存在文件夹中的数字还是摘要表的特定选项卡中的表格。如果我可以设置一个自动刷新的模板,那将是很棒的,因为有时表格和图形构建过程是迭代的。我有少量在 VBA 中处理数据的经验,但对于这个应用程序没有任何经验。我从哪说起呢?非常感谢正确方向的碰撞或类似问题的链接。


1 回答 1



    Selection.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject ClassType:="Paint.Picture", FileName:= _
      "C:\Users\name\Pictures\test.bmp", LinkToFile:=True, DisplayAsIcon:= _

假设您有一个使用模板 word 文档设置的文件夹,该文档具有指向另一个文件夹的图像链接,并且您希望确保这些图像链接到以日期命名的最新文件夹,例如 20131008。您可以将图像链接到用于自动更新的文件,但由于它是只读属性,因此您无法以编程方式更改源路径。另一种方法是遍历word文档中的每个对象,看看它的路径是否是当前文件夹,如果不是,则删除原始文件夹并插入一个新文件夹。



对于 .bmp 图像的 OLE 类型链接

Sub LinkToCurrentImageFolder()
    'Get current folder by date
    Dim clientFiguresPath As Variant
    filePath = ActiveDocument.Path & "\ClientFigures\"

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set fld = fso.GetFolder(filePath)
    Dim currentFolder As Variant: currentFolder = ""
    For Each sf In fld.SUBFOLDERS
        'Look at name and get current date
        If currentFolder = "" Then
            currentFolder = sf.Path
        ElseIf sf.Path > currentFolder Then
            currentFolder = sf.Path
        End If

    ' Debug: display current figure folder path
    'MsgBox (currentFolder)

    'Loop through all shapes in document and check if path is current.
    'If path is not current delete current shape and add new because SourcePath is read-only

    Dim Ishape As InlineShape, Wdoc As Document
    MsgBox (ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count)

    For Each Ishape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
       If Not GetSourceInfo(Ishape) Then GoTo nextshape

        With Ishape
            currentPath = .LinkFormat.SourcePath

            If currentPath <> currentFolder Then
                cType = .OLEFormat.ClassType
                shpName = .LinkFormat.SourceName
                newPath = currentFolder & "\" & shpName

                'Delete existing image

                'Create new image
                Selection.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject ClassType:=cType, FileName:=newPath, LinkToFile:=True, DisplayAsIcon:=False
            End If
       End With
    Next Ishape
End Sub

Function GetSourceInfo(oShp As InlineShape) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo Error_GetSourceInfo
    Test = oShp.LinkFormat.SourceFullName
    GetSourceInfo = True
    Exit Function
   GetSourceInfo = False
End Function


我已更改此代码以使用链接到文件但不是 OLE 类型的图像。这假设您通过这种方法插入图像:


Sub LinkToCurrentImageFolder()
    'Get current folder by date
    Dim clientFiguresPath As Variant
    filePath = ActiveDocument.Path & "\ClientFigures\"

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set fld = fso.GetFolder(filePath)
    Dim currentFolder As Variant: currentFolder = ""
    For Each sf In fld.SUBFOLDERS
        'Look at folder name/date and get most current date
        If currentFolder = "" Then
            currentFolder = sf.Path
        ElseIf sf.Path > currentFolder Then
            currentFolder = sf.Path
        End If

    Dim Ishape As InlineShape

    For Each Ishape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
        If Ishape.Type = msoComment Then
            With Ishape
                currentPath = .LinkFormat.SourcePath

                If currentPath <> currentFolder Then
                    shpName = .LinkFormat.SourceName
                    newPath = currentFolder & "\" & shpName

                    'Delete existing image

                    'Create new image
                    Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:=newPath, LinkToFile:=True, SaveWithDocument:=True
                End If
           End With
        End If
    Next Ishape
End Sub
于 2013-09-30T18:32:07.667 回答