I am trying to make a call through the telpromt command to return to my application after it makes a call:

NSString *telno = @"telprompt://121,,,,14";
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:telno]];

It shows an alert view showing which number I am calling. For above code it shows "121,,,,14" in alertview and recent call log of Phone. I have found some app, they does not show extension number, they only show "121" in alertview for example and in call log it shows "App Name" as dialed contact and "121" as dialed number. [Actually that app programetically adds a contact named "App Name" with main no "121" for example]. Is there any way to remove extension number [for example ",,,,14"] from alert and call log of phone?


1 回答 1


不要使用telprompt,只需显示UIAlertView带有取消和调用按钮的正常。然后,当您完全控制 中的消息时UIAlertView,如果用户选择调用只需使用该tel方案。

telprompt也不是官方计划,因此 Apple 可以在任何未来版本的 iOS 中删除它。

于 2014-05-27T06:58:39.233 回答