我想知道有没有办法在 git 中查看一个区域的历史,即所有涉及一些代码的提交(定义为几行连续的代码)?我觉得这有点酷。
我正在使用 magit,所以任何关于如何使用 magit 来实现这个目标的建议都会更好。
你可能想要git-log -L
-L <start>,<end>:<file>, -L :<regex>:<file>
Trace the evolution of the line range given by "<start>,<end>" (or the
funcname regex <regex>) within the <file>. You may not give any pathspec
limiters. This is currently limited to a walk starting from a single revision,
i.e., you may only give zero or one positive revision arguments. You can
specify this option more than once.
<start> and <end> can take one of these forms:
o number
If <start> or <end> is a number, it specifies an absolute line number
(lines count from 1).
o /regex/
This form will use the first line matching the given POSIX regex. If
<start> is a regex, it will search from the end of the previous -L range,
if any, otherwise from the start of file. If <start> is "^/regex/", it
will search from the start of file. If <end> is a regex, it will search
starting at the line given by <start>.
o +offset or -offset
This is only valid for <end> and will specify a number of lines before or
after the line given by <start>.
If '`:<regex>'' is given in place of <start> and <end>, it denotes the range
from the first funcname line that matches <regex>, up to the next funcname
line. `:<regex>'' searches from the end of the previous `-L range, if any,
otherwise from the start of file. "^:<regex>" searches from the start of file.
特别是对于 magit,目前没有支持,但有一个相关的未解决问题:https ://github.com/magit/magit/issues/1717
第一个简单的解决方案是git log -- file1 file2 dir1
另一种方法是使用git gui blame <commit> file
Here 文件的每一行都将使用引入它的 sha1 进行注释,您可以单击这些 sha1 在提交之间导航。