I'm in the process of writing a visualization library for a product I work on and I've been thinking about i18n and BiDi support. I haven't been able to find a good answer anywhere, and my Project Manager doesn't really know the answer either.

My question is this: how far should I take bi-directionality with visualizations? Should the entire visual be mirrored, or only the labels on the key/axes? What is expected in the Right-to-Left reading world?


I'm specifically thinking of Gauges and Bar Charts right now... if that helps the discourse.


2 回答 2



  1. 你不应该翻转条形图和折线图。保持 x 轴值从左到右增长。您可以并且应该本地化标签。

  2. 仪表通常也应保持原样,保持其“顺时针”感觉,并带有本地化标签。


于 2010-03-08T11:55:51.397 回答

The answer, as usual, is it depends. This is a very complex question for which there is no easy answer.

For starters, I would suggest reading Michael Kaplan's blog Sorting It All Out.


I am no expert, but my understanding is that, in general, people who are reading RTL expect things to be mirrored more often than not.

于 2010-03-04T16:07:53.823 回答