I am using umbraco 7 ASP.NET C# MVC 4.
Im trying to use the new umbraco, so far its been ok, but i need to get a property of one of my pages i set up.
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage
var homePage = CurrentPage.AncestorsOrSelf(1).First();
var menuItems = homePage.Children.Where("isMenu == true");
<!-- Nav -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 top-menu-container">
@* If the Url of the current page is "/" then we want to add the class "current_page_item" *@
@* Otherwise, we set the class to null, that way it will not even be added to the <li> element *@
<div onclick="location.href='/';" class="col-md-2 metro-container" style="background-color:#@Model.Content.GetPropertyValue("navigationColor")" >
<img class="menu-img" src="../../media/1001/home.png" alt="" />
@foreach (var item in menuItems)
@* If the Id of the item is the same as the Id of the current page then we want to add the class "current_page_item" *@
@* Otherwise, we set the class to null, that way it will not even be added to the <li> element *@
<div onclick="location.href='@item.Url';" class="col-md-2 metro-container" style="background-color:#@item.Content.GetPropertyValue("navigationColor")" >
<img class="menu-img" src="../../media/1001/home.png" alt="" />
So the first "li" outside the loop i simply get the models content Getproperty method which surely enough gets me any property i tell it too.
However the loop i have although goes through the current pages children, i cant seem to get a specific property.
Makes it worse is intellicense Isn't working as its all runtime.
The line in question is
<div onclick="location.href='@item.Url';" class="col-md-2 metro-container" style="background-color:#@item.Content.GetPropertyValue("navigationColor")" >
I need to get the color that was set on the page from the navigationColor control.
What am i doing wrong here?