我正在测试 MPI I/O。

  subroutine save_vtk
    integer :: filetype, fh, unit
    integer(MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: pos
    real(RP),allocatable :: buffer(:,:,:)
    integer :: ie

    if (master) then
      open(newunit=unit,file="out.vtk", &
      ! write the header
    end if

    call MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm,ie)

    call MPI_File_open(mpi_comm,"out.vtk", MPI_MODE_APPEND + MPI_MODE_WRONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, fh, ie)

    call MPI_Type_create_subarray(3, int(ng), int(nxyz), int(off), &
       MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN, MPI_RP, filetype, ie)

    call MPI_type_commit(filetype, ie)

    call MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm,ie)
    call MPI_File_get_position(fh, pos, ie)
    call MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm,ie)

    call MPI_File_set_view(fh, pos, MPI_RP, filetype, "native", MPI_INFO_NULL, ie)

    buffer = BigEnd(Phi(1:nx,1:ny,1:nz))

    call MPI_File_write_all(fh, buffer, nx*ny*nz, MPI_RP, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ie)

    call MPI_File_close(fh, ie)

  end subroutine


*** An error occurred in MPI_Isend
*** reported by process [3941400577,18036219417246826496]
*** on communicator MPI COMMUNICATOR 20 DUP FROM 0
*** MPI_ERR_BUFFER: invalid buffer pointer
*** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (processes in this communicator will now abort,
***    and potentially your MPI job)

该错误是由对 的调用触发的MPI_File_write_all。我怀疑它可能与缓冲区的大小有关,缓冲区的大小按to .nx*ny*nz的顺序是完整的,但我不能排除我这边的编程错误,因为我之前没有 MPI I/O 的经验。10^510^6

使用的 MPI 实现OpenMPI 1.8.0与 Intel Fortran 14.0.2 一起使用。


--- 编辑2 ---

测试简化版,重要代码不变,完整源码在这里。请注意,它适用于 gfortran,但适用于英特尔的不同 MPI。我无法用 PGI 编译它。我也错了,它只在不同的节点上失败,即使在单个进程运行中也会失败。

>module ad gcc-4.8.1
>module ad openmpi-1.8.0-gcc
>mpif90 save.f90
 Trying to decompose in           1           1           1 process grid.
>mpirun a.out
 Trying to decompose in           1           1           2 process grid.

>module rm openmpi-1.8.0-gcc
>module ad openmpi-1.8.0-intel
>mpif90 save.f90
 Trying to decompose in           1           1           1 process grid.
 ERROR write_all
 MPI_ERR_IO: input/output error                                                 

>module rm openmpi-1.8.0-intel
>module ad openmpi-1.6-intel
>mpif90 save.f90
 Trying to decompose in           1           1           1 process grid.
 ERROR write_all
 MPI_ERR_IO: input/output error                                                 

[luna24.fzu.cz:24260] *** An error occurred in MPI_File_set_errhandler
[luna24.fzu.cz:24260] *** on a NULL communicator
[luna24.fzu.cz:24260] *** Unknown error
[luna24.fzu.cz:24260] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL: your MPI job will now abort
An MPI process is aborting at a time when it cannot guarantee that all
of its peer processes in the job will be killed properly.  You should
double check that everything has shut down cleanly.

  Reason:     After MPI_FINALIZE was invoked
  Local host: luna24.fzu.cz
  PID:        24260
>module rm openmpi-1.6-intel
>module ad mpich2-intel
>mpif90 save.f90
 Trying to decompose in           1           1           1 process grid.
 ERROR write_all
 Other I/O error , error stack:
ADIOI_NFS_WRITECONTIG(70): Other I/O error Bad a

1 回答 1



 buffer = BigEnd(Phi(1:nx,1:ny,1:nz))

数组buffer应根据 Fortran 2003 标准(不在 Fortran 95 中)自动分配到右侧的形状。Intel Fortran 自版本 14 起默认不执行此操作。它需要选项

-assume realloc_lhs




于 2014-05-13T18:51:55.607 回答