Sox can be your friend for this. It can read many many different formats and output them as raw in whatever datatype you prefer. In fact, I just wrote the code to read a block of data from an audio file into a numpy array.
I decided to go this route for portability (sox is very widely available) and to maximize the flexibility of input audio types I could use. Actually, it seems from initial testing that it isn't noticeably slower for what I'm using it for... which is reading short (a few seconds) of audio from very long (hours) files.
Variables you need:
SOX_EXEC # the sox / sox.exe executable filename
filename # the audio filename of course
num_channels # duh... the number of channels
out_byps # Bytes per sample you want, must be 1, 2, 4, or 8
start_samp # sample number to start reading at
len_samp # number of samples to read
The actual code is really simple. If you want to extract the whole file, you can remove the start_samp, len_samp, and 'trim' stuff.
import subprocess # need the subprocess module
import numpy as NP # I'm lazy and call numpy NP
cmd = [SOX_EXEC,
filename, # input filename
'-t','raw', # output file type raw
'-e','signed-integer', # output encode as signed ints
'-L', # output little endin
'-b',str(out_byps*8), # output bytes per sample
'-', # output to stdout
'trim',str(start_samp)+'s',str(len_samp)+'s'] # only extract requested part
data = NP.fromstring(subprocess.check_output(cmd),'<i%d'%(out_byps))
data = data.reshape(len(data)/num_channels, num_channels) # make samples x channels
PS: Here is code to read stuff from audio file headers using sox...
info = subprocess.check_output([SOX_EXEC,'--i',filename])
reading_comments_flag = False
for l in info.splitlines():
if( not l.strip() ):
if( reading_comments_flag and l.strip() ):
if( comments ):
comments += '\n'
comments += l
if( l.startswith('Input File') ):
input_file = l.split(':',1)[1].strip()[1:-1]
elif( l.startswith('Channels') ):
num_channels = int(l.split(':',1)[1].strip())
elif( l.startswith('Sample Rate') ):
sample_rate = int(l.split(':',1)[1].strip())
elif( l.startswith('Precision') ):
bits_per_sample = int(l.split(':',1)[1].strip()[0:-4])
elif( l.startswith('Duration') ):
tmp = l.split(':',1)[1].strip()
tmp = tmp.split('=',1)
duration_time = tmp[0]
duration_samples = int(tmp[1].split(None,1)[0])
elif( l.startswith('Sample Encoding') ):
encoding = l.split(':',1)[1].strip()
elif( l.startswith('Comments') ):
comments = ''
reading_comments_flag = True
if( other ):
other += '\n'+l
other = l
if( output_unhandled ):
print >>sys.stderr, "Unhandled:",l