I am trying to build TightVNC Java Viewer from source (I downloaded official version from here: http://www.tightvnc.com/download.php).

When building using provided gradle file, I get this error: package com.jcraft.jsch does not exist.

File 'src/libs/jsch-0.1.50.jar' exists in the project. I cannot figure out why it doesn't compile, since it is included in the build.gradle file. I am building using gradle build command. What am I missing?

This is provided build gradle file, as originally provided in the gradle package:

apply plugin:'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'

sourceCompatibility = 1.6
targetCompatibility = 1.6
version = '2.7.2'

project.ext.baseName = 'tightvnc-jviewer'
def buildNo = processBuildNo(version)

defaultTasks 'clean', 'dist'

configurations {
    viewerSwingCompile { extendsFrom compile }
    viewerSwingRuntime { extendsFrom viewerSwingCompile, runtime }

sourceSets {
    viewerSwing {
        java {
            srcDir 'src/viewer_swing/java'
        resources {
            srcDir 'src/viewer_swing/resources'
    main {
        java.srcDirs += viewerSwing.java.srcDirs
        resources.srcDirs += viewerSwing.resources.srcDirs

repositories {
    flatDir {
        dirs 'src/libs/'

dependencies {
    viewerSwingCompile group: 'com.jcraft', name: 'jsch', version: '0.1.+', ext: 'jar'
    viewerSwingRuntime configurations.viewerSwingCompile
    testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.+'

def manifestAttributes = ['Main-Class': 'com.glavsoft.viewer.Viewer',
        'Implementation-Version': "${project.version} (${buildNo})",
        'Implementation-Title': 'TightVNC Viewer',
        'Implementation-Vendor': 'GlavSoft LLC.']

jar {
    baseName = project.baseName
    version = null
    manifest {
        attributes manifestAttributes
    def runtimeDeps = configurations.viewerSwingRuntime.collect {
        it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
    from(runtimeDeps) {
        exclude 'META-INF/**'

task noSshJar (type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
    baseName = 'nossh/' + project.baseName
    version = null
    manifest {
        attributes manifestAttributes
    from sourceSets.main.output

artifacts {
    archives file('src/web/viewer-applet-example.html')
    archives noSshJar

uploadArchives {
    repositories {
        add(new org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.FileSystemResolver()) {
    uploadDescriptor = false

task dist(dependsOn: uploadArchives)

def processBuildNo(currentVersion) {
    final String VERSION = 'version'
    final String BUILD = 'build'

    def lastVersion = currentVersion
    def lastBuild = 0
    def buildNoFile = new File('.build_no')
    if ( ! buildNoFile.exists()) {
        buildNoFile << "${VERSION}=${lastVersion}\n${BUILD}=${lastBuild}"
    def versions = [:]
    buildNoFile.eachLine {
        def splitted = it.split('=')
        if (splitted.size() == 2) {
            def (key, value) = splitted
            switch(key.trim()) {
                case VERSION:
                    lastVersion = value.trim()
                case BUILD:
                    try {
                        lastBuild = value != null ? value.trim() as Integer : 0
                    } catch (NumberFormatException) {}
                    versions[lastVersion] = lastBuild
    lastVersion = versions[currentVersion]
    if (null == lastVersion) {
        versions[currentVersion] = 0
    def outString = ''
    versions.each { v, b ->
        outString += "${VERSION}=${v}\n${BUILD}=${b}\n\n"

1 回答 1



compile fileTree(dir: 'src/libs', include: '*.jar')


于 2014-05-03T22:25:36.123 回答